Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




How will we choose when everything is the same?

Digital disruption has taken brands back to the 1950s when they were in dire need of differentiation

The information driving driverless cars

Autonomous vehicles rely on the ability to integrate and interpret data at great speed

Automating construction

Robotics is giving rise to construction techniques that will change how—and where—buildings are made

Trust in cloud technology and business performance: Reaping benefits from the cloud

Extensive cloud services for corporate use are still in their infancy, as they are only ten years old. In 2011 a global State of the Cloud Survey found that fewer than 20% of organisations had fully implemented large-scale cloud services. Just five years later, in the EIU survey conducted for this report, 99% of respondents report they use at least some cloud services.


Trust in cloud technology

Is trust in the cloud important? Based on recent EIU survey findings, it appears so. When organisations exhibit higher levels of trust in the cloud, there is a substantial and positive correlation with a wide range of business outcomes. On the opposite end of the spectrum, if users don’t trust the cloud because they don’t understand its attributes, it will be a less effective tool for them.

Fostering collaboration

This EIU research, sponsored by BTS, explores whether firms are leveraging collaborative techniques to improve business success, the difficulties of collaboration and the value of collaborating across functions and levels to achieve strategic alignment. It is based on a survey of 249 business leaders in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. 
Key findings from the research include:

Fostering collaboration

For the purpose of this study, we define collaboration as the practice of working together across different functions and across different locations or business units.

The survey, sponsored by BTS, was conducted in March 2016. About half the respondents are C-suite executives, with the balance holding a variety of high-level management positions. North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific are all represented—nearly six in ten respondent organisations have annual revenues exceeding $500m.

Do cryptocurrencies have a future?

Bitcoin enthusiasts had hoped it would become an everyday currency, but now it is unclear whether cryptocurrencies are viable as a form of money

New EIU report finds lack of skills and infrastructure—not security— biggest obstacles to implementing new technology by governments in South-East Asia

High aspirations, stark realities

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