Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Decoding the global economy of cybercrime

Conservative estimates show cyber-criminal revenue worldwide of at least US$1.5trn to date— equal to the entire GDP of Russia.

The digitalisation of SME Finance in Asia

The alternative financing sector is growing rapidly in Asia and disrupting traditional access to capital in the region. This brings about new funding opportunities, especially for small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) who large banks have, in the past, hesitated to lend to. However, this also introduces new risks and tensions with traditional capital-funding models.

Asia’s digital millennials: Mobile, social and borderless

The world’s millennial generation is a major driving force behind the digital economy. Their consumption patterns and preferences underpin the growth of new interconnecting ecosystems of recreation and commerce. Asia’s digital millennials: Mobile, social and borderless, an Economist Intelligence Unit report commissioned by the Singapore Economic Development Board, examines the ways in which the consumer behaviour and digital habits of millennials in Asia converge or diverge from those in other parts of the world.

Getting from farm to fork: The long and short of it

Rapid income growth and urbanisation will have profound impacts on Asia’s food supply chains. Urbanisation, in particular, will contribute to supply- and demand-side imbalances for domestically produced food, as farmers leave rural areas in search of job opportunities in the cities. Without a strong transition plan to manage rapid rural–urban migration across developing Asia, domestic food supply chains will be disrupted. Inadequate infrastructure, for example, could lead to food loss and discourage trade.

Managing Application Development: The public-sector perspective

The public sector may suffer from its reputation as a technology laggard, but the reality is often quite different. Around the world, government agencies are about as likely to use cloud technology as any private-sector company, according to our survey. In fact, governments are more likely than their private-sector counterparts to use Agile, an innovative application-development approach. And just as private-sector companies do, public-sector organisations wrestle with the growing challenge of keeping their systems, applications and data secure.

Managing Application Development: The manufacturing perspective

Manufacturers are deep users of software. They use the cloud, rely on applications and employ advanced development approaches. And unlike many other industries, manufacturing is decidedly comfortable working with contractors, agencies and other outside application developers.

An in-depth review of the manufacturing industry’s survey results uncovered  the following insights:

Managing Application Development: The healthcare perspective

Healthcare has gone high tech. Bulky paper records are quickly giving way to efficient digital records. Clipboards are being replaced by tablets and other mobile devices. And a range of entirely new time-saving and life-saving applications are being explored with technologies that use artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, cognitive computing, big data analytics, robotic process automation and augmented/virtual reality.

Managing Application Development: The gaming & media perspective

Few industries have felt the effects of digital technologies as profoundly as gaming and media. Without digital, gaming—now a multi-billion-dollar industry—would barely see such growth. Media, meanwhile, has seen its basic foundations of print, film, TV and radio crumble under the weight of newer technologies including podcasts, streaming, e-books and mobile tech.

To learn more about the role of application development in the growth of gaming and media, The Economist Intelligence Unit took an in-depth review of the industry’s survey results. The following insights were uncovered:

Managing Application Development: The financial services perspective

The financial services industry is playing catch-up in a digital age. Amid a period of intense change where regulations are intensifying and competitors with advanced technologies are entering the market, traditional players are intent on remaining relevant. Many are using the cloud and advanced application-development techniques to secure that edge.

Achieving net zero: How to accelerate innovation

A bold innovation agenda—stretching from early-stage technology development to full commercialisation—will be essential to achieve net zero emissions by mid-century as called for by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, argues Nick Molho, executive director at the Aldersgate Group.

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