Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




The new world of regtech in managing regulatory data

Regtech can help by automating what would otherwise be tactical and manual processes—such as data collection and reporting—and making these tasks more cost effective, efficient and strategic. Advances in areas like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning make it possible to automatically parse through regulatory filings, track employee compliance and more. Advanced regtech analytics solutions can also match and cleanse data from various legacy systems quickly and accurately.

The state of the global digital economy

 Sponsored by DXC, the podcast series aims to help business leaders understand the way in which digital technology affects their companies, their teams, and their careers. 

The state of the global digital economy

The first episode of the EIU Digital Economy podcast looks at the current state of the global digital economy.

Host Pete Swabey speaks to Michael Kent, CEO of cross-border payments provider Azimo, about the challenges of managing a truly global digital start-up. Then guests Annabelle Gawer, chair in digital economy at the University of Surrey, and George Zarkadakis, digital lead at global risk and human capital advisory firm Willis Towers Watson, discuss the impact so far of digitisation on the global economy.


Michael Gold

Managing editor

Michael is a managing editor at Economist Impact. Although Michael has roots in Montreal, he grew up in Palo Alto, California and attended Yale University, where he majored in anthropology. Prior to joining the Economist Group, Michael was a correspondent for Reuters in Taipei, where he covered the technology sector. He has also worked in Beijing and is fluent in Mandarin. 


Next-Generation Connectivity

Over the next five years, the next generation of wired and wireless connectivity, characterised, in particular, by fifth generation (5G) mobile networks, full-fibre broadband and satellite internet technology, is widely touted by industry and observers for its potential to deliver a step change in connectivity and its capabilities.

Can automation and AI support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals?

Automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and other innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are set to drastically change society, promising extraordinary benefits including increased productivity and improved public services. However, these innovations are also fuelling growing techno-anxiety. Unemployment is the most commonly discussed threat, with labour organisations, governments and economists all voicing concern that human workers may be displaced at an unprecedented scale and speed, which could worsen inequality, undermine social cohesion and increase poverty.

Adding it up: The economic impact of additive manufacturing

Each of these chapters of manufacturing innovation upended the established economics of production, to a greater or lesser extent, leading to significant impacts on the prices of goods, the dynamics of supply chains, business models and labour market conditions. The time and cost-savings that resulted from Ford’s production line, for instance, enabled the company to slash the price of its cars, and pay wages that were unheard of elsewhere in the industry.1 This, in turn, enabled newly enriched factory workers to participate in the growing economy as consumers in their own right.

AI key to optimizing institutional investment data

Harnessing the power of data with AI


富有和经常全球旅行的人的医疗习惯可以为先进医疗科技融入人们生活的方式提供范例,也可能为科技在未来的广泛采用做下铺垫。为探究这种现象,经济学人智库(The Economist Intelligence Unit/EIU)调查了亚洲、中东及非洲快速发展地区的480位高净值人士(high-net-worth individuals, HNWIs),以探究他们现在的医疗习惯可能会如何推动社会整体上的突破。


很多现在的创新都在稳步地推动着这种改变。新的科技正在以前所未有的规模生产着生物特征数据,手机应用、基因检测以及先进的筛查技术只是其中的一部分。大数据分析和人工智能(artificial intelligence, AI)正在运用大量的信息为医护人员及患者提供更深入的分析洞察,以帮助他们更好地设定健康目标及衡量进展。当罹患疾病时,精准医疗、免疫学以及 3D 打印技术方面的突破也为更加个性化的治疗创造了可能。


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