Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Integrated Transformation: How rising customer expectations are turning companies outside-in

Integrated Transformation is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, sponsored by Salesforce. In this paper, The Economist Intelligence Unit explores how companies are adapting to evolving customer expectations and preferences, and how this has affected operations, business processes, decision-making and business models. 

Integrated Transformation: How rising customer expectations are turning companies outside-in

Modern customers have it good. Spoilt for choice and convenience, today’s empowered consumers have come to expect more from the businesses they interact with. This doesn’t just apply to their wanting a quality product at a fair price, but also tailored goods, swift and effective customer service across different channels, and a connected experience across their online shopping and in-store experience, with easy access to information they need when they want it. 

Asia’s digital millennials: Opportunities for businesses

To keep up with increasingly sophisticated millennial consumers in Asia, companies in the region must be prepared to make a number of changes, from hiring staff to the products and platforms they build, including overhauling their online and offline strategies and thinking differently about their internal processes and the overall consumer journey.

Great Expectations: Fulfilling the promise of emerging technologies

Great Expectations: Fulfilling the promise of emerging technologies

Recent years have brought glimpses of the vast potential of digitization. IoT platforms that link sensors with predictive analytics software turn airplanes, irrigation systems and manufacturing equipment into prolific data fountains that enable companies to forecast demand more accurately, keep production lines humming, create new revenue streams and meet the ever-changing preferences of consumers. Download our report to learn more. 

Accelerated Business: The rise of next-generation connectivity

Digitisation of supply-chain information is already enabling companies to aggregate production-related data in near real time, conduct advanced analytics and automate many decisions. Indeed, supply-chain management leveraging next-generation technologies could establish how organisations might gain a competitive edge in the future by driving business value throughout the supply chain. Learn more by downloading our case studies. . 

Accelerated Business: The rise of next-generation connectivity

Accelerated Business: The rise of next-generation connectivity

Connectivity is the lifeblood of digital transformation. Without speedy and reliable networks, data cannot be transmitted and transactions, communications and commerce itself are forestalled. However, on occasion, a new breakthrough in connectivity upends the status quo, unleashing new innovations in business and disrupting the hold of incumbents. We may be on the cusp of such an event. Learn more by downloading our report here. 


Sustainable and actionable: A study of asset-owner priorities for ESG investing in Asia

The world’s top 100 asset owners (AOs) represent about US$19trn in assets under management. The largest, and potentially most influential, proportion is in Asia—more than a third of the total. Out of the top 20 largest funds, three out of the first five and nearly half of the total are in Asia.

Digital platforms and services: A development opportunity for ASEAN

Digital platforms and services stimulate economic growth and development. Countries are looking to the “internet economy” to provide new market opportunities and help achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as promoting economic growth and sustainable industralisation, a process often relying on an increase in online access rates and smartphone penetration.

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