Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Corporate CIOs in emerging markets

As emerging-market companies increasingly compete for international market share, they are relying more and more on their information technology (IT) functions for a competitive edge. This is elevating chief information officers (CIOs) into leading positions, which in turn is accelerating the introduction of sophisticated IT systems into a broad range of corporate functions.

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Expert articles

Friend and foe: social networks in the workplace

Jason Karaian, Economist Intelligence Unit

It is an episode that neatly captures the uneasy relationship between business and social media. When Noah Kravitz, a writer for a website about mobile phones, left his job he removed mention of his previous affiliation from his Twitter account and carried on as before. A few months later, the company, Phonedog, filed a lawsuit against him, arguing that the followers amassed by Mr Kravitz while employed were the company’s property.  The case continues.

Big data

Executive summary

The era of big data is upon us. As ever-more data pour through the networks of organizations worldwide, the race is on to extract insight and value from this abundant resource. The opportunities are enormous, as are the challenges. But companies that master the emerging discipline of big data management can reap significant rewards and separate themselves from their competitors.

Networks for Thinking

The Internet, together with the social and business communities that it has spawned, continues to transform almost every conceivable aspect of human life. People are not only spending large chunks of the day consuming digital media, but they do so using an increasingly sophisticated blend of channels and technologies. More importantly, the new networks are also driving deeper changes in human behaviour. Social media such as Facebook and Twitter provide an early indication of how interpersonal relationships and interactions might evolve in this environment.

Design in the DNA

Design in the DNA: How a design ethos can drive business growth is a UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) report commissioned from the Economist Intelligence Unit. The report seeks to examine how design thinking might shape corporate strategy and drive business growth over the coming decade. In particular, it focuses on the following sectors: professional services, energy/natural resources, creative industries (including technology, media and entertainment), infrastructure/construction, manufacturing, healthcare and pharmaceuticals.

Beyond logistics

Beyond logistics: Meeting customer needs for in-home service is an Economist Intelligence Unit report sponsored by TOA Technologies. The report explores how in-home service providers can respond to increasing demands from their customers and build a strong brand that distinguishes their offerings from those of their competitors in an increasingly crowded marketplace.

The innovation imperative in biopharma

It’s not easy being a life sciences firm today. Companies in the sector have seen rising research and development (R&D) costs, in exchange for flat, or even diminishing, innovation returns. Many are staring over the edge of a patent cliff, the loss of intellectual property protection on drugs that are currently bringing tens of billions of dollars in sales and that subsidise expensive R&D efforts.

Rethinking mobile data pricing - Key findings

Flat-rate pricing is usually a good thing for customers – provided, of course, the rates are low enough. There are no nasty surprises on the monthly bill, which is simple to understand. A service that customers might otherwise have been cautious about using (and paying for) suddenly becomes more attractive.

Rethinking mobile data pricing

Offering customers unlimited use of data for a fixed monthly fee is looking like bad economics for many mobile operators, but there are also dangers in abandoning this pricing model.

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