Addressing natural resource challenges: The business case for hope

Resource challenges are revenue challenges

Energy in America: Five misconceptions

The world's largest economy and the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases, we debunk the myths associated wtih and shaping the US energy debate.  

Global development goals: opportunities and obstacles

The Q&As explore progress towards and what remains to be done to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), or 17 UN-backed goals which more than 190 countries in 2015 agreed to prioritise as national targets. These targets include reducing environmental degradation and improving education, health and industrial innovation.

Turning the clock on climate change

Q&A with James Gifford, senior fellow at the Initiative for Responsible Investment at Harvard and director of Impact at private equity firm Tau Investment Management

Tracking energy demand trends: A focus on 50 US states

Through a comprehensive data tool, the EIU examines energy consumption patterns at the state level since 1960.

Can municipal liability insurance foster climate change-related sustainability?

This is the first part of a two-article series on municipal liability and climate change.

Driving energy efficiency: A comparison of five mature markets

The study focuses on the following areas:

  • The main types of strategies for encouraging energy savings
  • How information campaigns and incentives can be tailored to specific audiences
  • The role played by product labelling and standard-setting for energy efficiency
  • An assessment of what strategies work best in encouraging efficiency

Key findings:

Now is the time for a low carbon industrial strategy

The low carbon economy has a role to play in delivering Theresa May’s vision of a Britain that “works for everyone”. It deserves a place in the government’s packed policy agenda for the autumn.

The Recarbonisation Revolution

The world needs a ‘recarbonisation revolution’ of global material flows

Evolving Development Goals in an evolving world

Can the success of one social or economic goal affect the success of many others? According to this report, yes. Policy goals cannot be addressed individually, especially as the world becomes more resource constrained. Interconnected strategies and cross-sector co-operation are becoming increasingly important.

Evolving development goals in an evolving world is an EIU report, sponsored by Microsoft, that explores how policymakers in both the developed and developing world prioritise social and environmental goals.


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