Moving up and on: Natural resources and sustainability

Highlights from Natural resources and sustainability session at the Indonesia Summit 2013:

  • How will recent export regulations on raw materials help sustain the economic growth? What is missing?
  • What are the implications of the new regulations on Indonesia’s importers?
  • How would moving up the value chain help the country fulfil the goal of self-sufficiency?
  • Will the focus on economic development put sustainability on the back burner?

Feeding the World 2014

Feeding the World 2014

The new competitors - The secrets of success

In this video, part of The Emerging Markets Summit 2010, Naguib Sawiris, Executive Chairman of Orascom Telecom, discussed strategies for achieving sustainable growth and assessing the implications for Western competitors

Feeding the World 2013

Video Highlights from Feeding the World: Asia 2013

Interview with John Parker

Interview with John Parker. at Feeding the World 2013

Can the private sector do more to create a sustainable global food system? #1

From Feeding the world 2013

Feeding the World, Africa - TV commercial #1

Feeding the World, Africa - TV commercial

Africa: a new rising star?

Recorded at The Ghana Summit 2013

Deal or no deal? Prospects for agreement at the Durban climate change conference 2011

Watch leading experts, including the European Commission's chief negotiator, discuss progress on climate change talks

Managing the risk in renewable energy

Animated infographic showing the key findings on managing the risk in renewable energy analysis

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