It’s time for the EU’s economy to go circular

There is a compelling business case for the EU to rapidly improve the resource efficiency of its economy. Many businesses are already leading the way but a strong Circular Economy Package from the EU could help them go much further, argues Nick Molho, executive director of the Aldersgate Group.

Managing the risk in renewable energy

Unlocking the benefits of energy efficiency

The cost of inaction

Report Summary

The Internet of trash

The amount of waste we throw away is growing at an alarming rate. The Internet of things could help reverse the trend.

Something in the air

With urban populations growing, the quality of air that much of the world breathes is under grave threat.

Future proofing cities with sustainable infastructure

Cites cover 1% of the world’s surface but suck 75% of the energy we use. What can local governments do to make their cities more environmentally sustainable, lessen their footprint and reduce reliance on expensive and environmentally unfriendly energy sources?

Future proofing cities with sustainable infastructure

Cites cover 1% of the world’s surface but suck 75% of the energy we use. What can local governments do to make their cities more environmentally sustainable, lessen their footprint and reduce reliance on expensive and environmentally unfriendly energy sources?

Encouraging Sustainable Behaviour

Helping customers and citizens to lead greener lives.

Tim Smith - How can companies and governments work together to promote blue economy?

Tim Smith - How can companies and governments work together to promote blue economy?

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