Reasons for hope in a dangerous world

The Paris climate change negotiations have led to an encouraging global agreement. But there are more fundamental reasons to be hopeful that the world is moving towards sustainability, says Timothy Nixon from Thomson Reuters.

EU Circular Economy Package: a good start, but there’s more to do

The high-level objectives announced by the European Commission in its Circular Economy Package in early December have the potential to boost the resource efficiency and competitiveness of the EU economy. But it is the upcoming detail behind the Commission’s proposals that will determine the ultimate impact that this package will have, says Stuart Bailey, head of sustainability and climate change at National Grid, a UK-headquartered multinational electricity and gas utility company.

Agriculture is everywhere—why is it not mentioned in the COP21 agreement?

In light of the recent climate-changes negotiations in Paris (also known as COP21), Chris Henderson, senior agricultural advisor at Practical Action, examines opportunities for more agricultural efficiency in a climate-affected world.

Big money for energy in Africa must be spent on small producers

A recent US$10bn pledge by developed countries to boost renewable-energy expansion in Africa is good news, but the funds must be spent wisely in order to deliver empowerment rather than just power, argues Aaron Leopold, global energy representative at Practical Action, an international development charity.

Agreement at the Paris Climate Summit: an important step forward, let’s build on it

The Climate Change Summit that has just ended in Paris is an important step forward for international climate policy and has provided an agreement that can now be built upon to increase global efforts to tackle climate change. But to be a lasting success, it will need to be rapidly followed by continued international collaboration as well as credible national policies to slash carbon emissions in countries like the UK, argues Nick Molho, executive director of the Aldersgate Group.

To deliver on climate and development we need a new energy approach

The UN climate negotiations being held in Paris between November 30th and December 11th will play a fundamental role in shaping motivations, planning, financing and urgency of energy for the foreseeable future. It is vital that negotiators and key energy decision-makers elsewhere focus on the need to use all the tools at their disposal to bring about an energy revolution that avoids catastrophic climate change and delivers on global development priorities. This means embracing change and becoming friends with the idea that "small is beautiful", argues Aaron Leopold, global energy representative at Practical Action, an international development charity.

Back to basics: why human security needs to be the hot topic at COP21

A universal climate agreement will only be meaningful if it fully accounts for the humans it’s meant to be protecting, argues Marcela Tarazona, an environmental economist and climate change specialist at Oxford Policy Management, an international development consultancy.

The Paris climate change talks: what will success look like?

As the Paris Climate Change Conference (also known as COP21) gets underway, The EIU's senior editor, Martin Koehring, examines what it will take for the talks to deliver ambitious outcomes that will have a real impact on tackling climate change.

The Paris Climate Conference


The European Green City Index

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