How a conservative thinks about climate change: An insider’s account

To understand how conservative leaders think about climate change, I had an intriguing conversation with John Gummer, or perhaps better known as Lord Deben of the UK's House of Lords. Lord Deben is a blue-blooded conservative from the beginning. As he says it, “I believe firmly in the ability of the marketplace to solve most problems, given the proper foundation in economic and scientific truth. And we have this obligation to our children and subsequent generations.”

Let there be (sun)light

Investors see promise in small-scale solar energy solutions

The business case for the 2°C climate target

A reliable carbon price increases corporations’ (that embrace it) competitiveness and helps prepare for the post-carbon economy that we are inexorably marching towards.

Unlocking green infrastructure investment

Green infrastructure investment isn’t happening at the speed and scale needed to meet the UK’s policy goals. UK government must intervene now to unlock private-sector investment, via long-term commitment, strategic public spending and issuance of a sovereign green bond, argues Alex White, senior policy officer at the Aldersgate Group.

The story of ESG

Despite growing focus on the value of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) data in our marketplace, we are only at the beginning of the beginning of how this traditionally “non-financial” data will matter. At the end of this process, it will cease to exist as something separate from financial reporting, and we will look back on the journey and wonder at the flat-earth nature of where we were. Here is how I see the timeline.

Blending capital to fill the ocean’s fisheries finance gap

Overfishing is one of the world’s persistent environmental challenges. It results in fewer fish in the sea, less food on plates and ultimately decreased jobs along our coasts. For these reasons, global leaders agreed to the target to end overfishing as part of goal 14 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Experience to date has shown that this target can be met (albeit not likely by the 2020 target date), but it will cost money.

Being competitive in a low-carbon world

UK industry pays more for its electricity than counterparts in France and Germany for various reasons. Delivering more competitive power prices will require the UK government to make some important decisions on the future of onshore wind, the structure of the power market and its desired outcome from the Brexit negotiations, argues Nick Molho, executive director of the Aldersgate Group.

Fixing Food 2016: Towards a More Sustainable Food System

FOOD SUSTAINABILITY INDEXThe Food Sustainability Index (FSI), which ranks 25 countries according to their food system sustainability, is a quantitative and qualitative benchmarking model.

Mainstreaming: The future of corporate ESG

We know the future: it’s both challenging and opportune. On the one hand, we face an increase in natural-resource constraints, political polarisation and demographic instability. On the other hand, the atmosphere is warming and sea levels are rising. By this measure, the outlook ahead appears pretty grim. But, as the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention and opportunities abound as a result of these challenges. The private sector has recognised that global threats are critical to business success. Solving these problems is good business. Solving them well is better business. In fact, companies that manage their environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are better able to manage risk, are quicker to identify opportunities and are outperforming their peers.

How to limit global warming to 1.5°C

According to a draft of a report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, to be finalised and published by October 2018, there is a "very high risk" that the world will miss the target of limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by the 2040s. What actions need to be taken so that the world gets back on track to achieve the target?

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