How to reduce global warming: A roadmap

Greenhouse-gas emissions from human sources need to fall to net zero by 2050 to avoid catastrophic climate change. Can the combination of initiatives such as the Carbon Law, Project Drawdown and 100% Renewables and Electrification provide a viable roadmap to reduce global warming?

The Energy Summit 2017: Renewables or fossil fuels?

Financial costs associated with the transition from fossil fuels to renewables, getting to 100% renewables and electrification, and effective ways of reducing carbon emissions caused by fossil fuels were the top trending topics during The Economist Events’ Energy Summit 2017 in London in late November 2017. During the discussion two opposing climate change narratives emerged, focusing on financial risks borne by investors in fossil fuel companies.

Green Finance: Making the Transition to a Climate-Resilient Future

Green finance is the financing of investments that provide environmental benefits in the broader context of environmentally sustainable development. It includes all forms of investment, both debt and equity, which protect the environment, conserve natural resources and help mitigate or adapt to a changing climate. It is used in the implementation of ‘green’ infrastructure plans which aid in delivering energy security and other productivity increasing measures such as improved human health.

Clean Growth Strategy: an important milestone for the UK economy

By showing cross-government commitment to growing low-carbon investments and setting out measures to cut emissions across the UK economy, the Clean Growth Strategy sends a clear signal to the business community. Detailed policies in areas such as energy efficiency in buildings will now be essential to ensure private-sector investment is significantly increased and UK climate targets are met.

Moving the Needle: Corporate climate action for a low-carbon world

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The low-carbon economy is taking off

Recent developments in the offshore wind and car manufacturing industries show that the low carbon economy is well and truly taking off. Clear policy direction, stable investment mechanisms and joined up policy making will be essential to allow the private sector to keep on innovating and slash the cost of low carbon technologies argues Nick Molho, executive director of the Aldersgate Group

Meeting the SDGs: A global movement gains momentum

Meeting the SDGs: A global movement gains momentum is an Economist Intelligence Unit report that explores progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In 2015 more than 190 countries agreed to prioritise these 17 UN-backed goals as national targets. These objectives include improving education, economic growth, gender equality, infrastructure, health and industrial innovation.

Changemakers: Exploring new economies

The theory of disruptive innovation, developed by Harvard Business School‘s Clayton Christensen, describes how a new product or business model relentlessly captures market share, eventually displacing incumbents. Unnerving though it can be, disruption is not something to fear. Indeed, it has become a fact of life. Some companies are embracing change and making it core to their business.

The Road to Action: Financial regulation addressing climate change


The cost of inaction: Recognising the value at risk from climate change, a July 2015 report written by The Economist Intelligence Unit (The EIU) and sponsored by Aviva, identified the need for a framework to govern the disclosure of climate-related financial risk.

Despite the best of intentions green ‘use of proceeds’ bonds are a distraction and a false hope

Debt capital markets, particularly bond markets, will play a critical role in financing large parts of the transition to global environmental sustainability.

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