Plant-based proteins: Building a sustainable future

Special thanks to the following individuals for their time and expertise:
  • Phillip Johnson, Assistant Professor at the Food Science & Technology Department, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

  • Anyela Camargo Rodriguez, Computational Biologist, National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB)

  • Alan Dangour, Director, Centre on Climate Change and Planetary Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Human-centred design market scoping: how we can drive private finance to impactful projects in the Least Developed Countries

Unleashing the potential of frontier markets requires a profound shift away from old paradigms and towards a new mindset in which investors take a holistic view of investing, supported by ecosystem thinking and experience on the ground.

China's food future

This report is built on a research programme undertaken by The Economist Intelligence Unit (The EIU) between August and October 2020, and commissioned by Metcold. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of The EIU and do not necessarily reflect the views of Metcold. The report contains key insights on food supply chain modernisation in China and presents international best practices. 

Key findings:

Cooling: Transporting us to net zero

In 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) announced that to limit global warming to 1.5°C, global net human-caused emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) would need to fall by about 45% from 2010 levels by 2030 and reach “net zero” by around 2050. In practice, meeting this target requires all sectors to shift away from oil, gas and coal while also removing CO2 from the atmosphere.

TOWARDS ZERO: Rethinking recycling in Saudi Arabia and the UAE

Towards zero: Rethinking recycling in Saudi Arabia and the UAE, a report written by The Economist Intelligence Unit, examines the state of waste management in Saudi Arabia and the UAE and identifies priorities for accelerating recycling. There are several recycling projects underway in the region, but more focused efforts on priority streams—food waste, construction and demolition waste and e-waste—can improve landfill diversion rates.

The Power of Efficient Cooling

Sustainable finance | How will covid-19 reshape key Australian industries?

Awareness that sustainability means more than reducing carbon emissions is mounting in Asia-Pacific. Evidence to the fact shows in the response of the region’s sustainable finance market to the global pandemic.

In late 2019, the market was bullish. Asia’s sustainability-related assets under management looked set to grow appreciably, and most investors saw those holdings performing better than traditional equivalents.1

Then covid-19 struck.

持続可能な医療の実現に向けて- インフォグラフィック




持続可能な医療の実現に向け: 新たな構造改革のビジョン





Health system sustainability in Japan: Priorities for structural reform

Japan’s healthcare system has kept the country remarkably healthy with relatively minor changes for nearly six decades. The system provides universal care, generous coverage and the most innovative treatments at a cost that is accessible to all.

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