The pros and cons of customer-led innovation

It scarcely needs to be said in this day and age that companies must listen to their customers. When it comes to innovation, however, this maxim is not universally accepted.

Delivering results through claims technologies

Delivering results through claims technologies is an Ernst & Young report, written by the Economist Intelligence Unit. It examines the many pressures on claims management functions today and assesses how insurers are responding to new and emerging issues in the claims environment, particularly with technology solutions.

Levelling the playing field

Levelling the playing field: How companies use data to create advantage is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, sponsored by SAP. The Economist Intelligence Unit conducted the survey and analysis and wrote the report. The findings and views expressed in the report do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsor.

Managing information effectively: a cross industry perspective

Managing information effectively is a series of four reports focused on strategies for managing information flow and security across and within sectors. Each report focuses on one of four sectors: healthcare, government and public sector; retail banking and discrete manufacturing.

The CIO as innovation leader

This research programme, sponsored by Fujitsu, features a video webcast and Executive insight. The webcast brings together an expert panel of practitioners:

Andrew Abboud, Chief Information Officer, City University London

Under pressure

  • The CIO’s role is expected to become increasingly strategic as IT adoption accelerates… Many healthcare CIOs already occupy “dramatically more strategic” positions within their organisations than a decade ago: “We create solutions that speak to key business issues such as competitiveness and patient safety—many more areas that we previously did not get actively involved in,” says one interviewee. Currently, however, the survey shows only a minority are involved in boardroom discussions on any major strategic initiative.

Next-Generation CIOs

For several years, chief executive officers (CIOs) have championed business efficiency. Their focus has been largely on operational goals, such as keeping IT and operations running smoothly and reducing related costs, while enabling business processes to support their company’s strategy for growth and profitability.

To invest or not to invest

This report from the Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by Oracle looks at 17 countries in the region in terms of how the global economic slowdown has affected their digital development plans. It considers the effect of the slowdown on governments' ICT budgets, areas that are being focused on—and why—and the implications of current activities for future development. It builds on a programme of desk research into countries' ICT policies and a series of interviews with government officials, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other ICT experts.

Unlocking innovation in China

Can China become a nation of innovators? Its government hopes so. It has a plan to make China an innovative society by 2020. Increased innovation, it argues, will be vital for China to move up the technological ladder to produce high-value goods and services. Indeed, homegrown innovation could be vital to solve many of China’s challenges, such as energy productivity and pollution, and to position Chinese companies competitively in the global market.

Catching rays

Catching rays: Five success factors in an explosive solar market was written by the Economist Intelligence Unit, and sponsored by SAP.

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