Connecting Companies

Connecting companies: Strategic partnerships for the digital age is a report from The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), sponsored by Telstra. It is designed to guide senior executives through the global trend for digital partnerships between organisations, which are connecting regions, crossing industries and linking generations. Specific industry analysis can be found in separate briefings that accompany this report.

Room to improve: Better banks need better innovation

Facing low interest rates, deleveraging, recurring scandals and increasing capital requirements, banks have struggled in recent years.

Nurturing energy innovation

The strategic CIO

Ocean Innovation Challenge: Time to innovate

Ocean Innovation Challenge: Time to innovate - World Ocean Summit 2015 session 

Growth Crossings: Trade innovations

Trade Innovations

Technology is not only having a profound effect on business in developed markets. Innovations involving robotics, cloud computing and 3D printing are disrupting industries in emerging markets and enabling companies to achieve new efficiencies in the way they operate. How will these technologies affect emerging-market trade, logistics and supply chain management?

Rachel Haot, CDO of the State of NY, defines the level playing field

Rachel Haot explains the common aims of government and innovators.

Minerva Tantoco, CTO of NYC, defines the level playing field

Minerva Tantoco discusses why innovation should not push forward at the expense of public safety.

Fundamentals 2 + 3: Channelling digital, people and organisational power

Mapping the cloud maturity curve

Spark Cloud-powered Collaboration

Case study

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