Across the procurement-verse: changing trends in the procurement function

“Recent events, like the covid-19 pandemic and focus on sustainability, have given us the opportunity to establish procurement and supply chain as a key value function instead of a simple support function”, says Klaus Staubitzer, CPO and head of supply chain at Siemens. However, limited cross-functional visibility into procurement’s commercial value can make it difficult for leaders to retain this reputation.

Anatomy of adaptive leaders in APAC: Navigating emerging technologies in economic uncertainty

The report uncovers several key findings highlighted below:

Digital Cities Index 2022

Digital Cities Index

Making digital work for cities: A global benchmark for urban technology


A delicate balancing act: the impact of US-China conflict in Latin America


Beyond the unicorns: Smaller companies also hold great promise In Latin America


AgTech in Latin America: Small-scale solutions in a large-scale transformation


Can banks create a true ecosystem with embedded finance?

  • New technologies will have the biggest impact on banks in the next five years—more than changing customer demand and evolving regulation. Generative artificial intelligence (AI) in particular is expected to impact banking, according to 75% of respondents to a survey conducted by Economist Impact. More than 70% of survey respondents see unlocking value from AI as a key differentiator between winners and losers.
  • Collaboration with fintechs or other technology providers is key to access expertise in emerging technologies as openbanking initiatives multiply across the world.

Towards a successful metaverse: the case for measuring enabling factors

The metaverse’s immense promise is at once clear and clouded in uncertainty. The word metaverse’s etymology — it combines the Greek word for “beyond” with the latter syllable of “universe” — signals limitless possibilities. Today, the term is attached to a variety of promising applications and digital environments related to education, healthcare, entertainment and social interactions, accessible via both new technologies and older ones.  

Building business value - Resilience in a rapidly evolving global environment

Its definition depends on the target of the value. According to Nobel-winning economist Milton Friedman, shareholders were considered to be the main recipients. Today, however, businesses face pressure to create value for a wider range of stakeholders—employees, customers, the supply chain and the communities in which they operate. This shift expands value beyond what can be measured in purely monetary terms.

Digital public infrastructure: building the rails of the digital revolution

These digital rails facilitate a more inclusive provision of digital goods and services with massive economic returns. These rails usually come in the form of a stack, comprising all the technologies required to operate an application: computer languages, architecture, libraries, servers, user interfaces and experiences, and software.

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