Spark Innovation with Cloud-powered Collaboration

Case study

How climate change will drive business innovation

This video is one of the selected highlights from experts in leadership and strategy, as part of The Big Ideas Project. Steve Evans, Professor of Life Cycle Engineering, shared his views on "defining success or failure".

Thinking about the car in a completely new way

In this video, part of the Redesigning Business Summit, Hugo Spowers, Partner, Riversimple, explained how Riversimple designed a completely new kind of car, and a completely new kind of business to go with it.

Jeff Immelt on innovation at Look ahead Seoul

Jeff Immelt on innovation at Look ahead Seoul

Innovation Debate: We are less innovative than we think?

Innovation Debate: We are less innovative than we think? - Innovation Awards and Summit 2014

The economic impact of hyperconnectivity

An interview with Alan Marcus, Senior Director, Head of Information Technology and Telecommunications Industries at the World Economic Forum

Innovation Summit 2014 Highlights

Highlights from the 2014 Innovation Summit 

Using nature as an inspiration for architecture

Using nature as an inspiration for architecture

The social impact of hyperconnectivity

Dr Grant Blank of the Oxford Internet Institute on the social impact of hyperconnectivity

David Jenson, EY at Innovation Summit

An interview with David Jenson, Principal Advisory, Global Innovation and Digital Strategy Leader, EY 

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