Transportation: Creating value from data and committed leadership

Can the sharing economy share data?

Transport is a major source of carbon emissions, accounting for 14 percent of greenhouse gas emissions globally. With mass data collection already practiced by ride-sharing companies such as Uber and Lyft, this could be good news for environmentalists.

Big data means real sustainability

Big data can influence how corporates view sustainability

Retail Banking: In tech we trust

For the first time in three years, the post-crisis regulatory squeeze no longer tops our retail banking trends. Banks may not like the renewed regulatory focus on know-your-client and suitability, but they now have a more pressing draw on their resources: financial technology (fintech).

The network paradigm and the city

The future will see cities shift towards becoming “smart” network-based areas enabled by technology. And intelligent street and traffic lights are just the start, according to Bas Boorsma Director, Internet of Everything, Northern Europe, Cisco.

The cyber-chasm: How the disconnect between the C-suite and security endangers the enterprise

Research Methodology

In January-February 2016, the EIU, surveyed 1,100 senior executives on data security practices within their firms. The survey’s primary objective was to analyse the differences, if any, between the C-suite and senior IT executives on data security.

The survey sample was recruited from companies with between $500 million and $10 billion in revenues, and is equally representative of the Americas, Asia-Pacific and European regions. The panel came from 20 industries, with no single industry accounting for more than 14% of the total.

The cyber-chasm: How the disconnect between the C-suite and security endangers the enterprise

Not so, according to a new global survey by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), sponsored by VMware. Instead, the research found a systematic disconnect between C-suite executives and senior technology leaders—a divide that can imperil the security of the firm.

Download the full report to learn more.

The future of climate-related disclosure

How can a low carbon economy impact global financial stability?

The artificial teacher

The same technology that helps advertisers learn about your interests could be used to supercharge education

Ascending cloud - the role of cloud computing in the new doctor-patient relationship

The power dynamics of healthcare are shifting. To date, healthcare providers have been the source and gatekeeper for all information about a patient’s health. Now, though, consumer technology is allowing individuals to measure their own health in greater detail, and therefore play more of an informed role in their own treatment.

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