Broken links: Why analytics investments have yet to pay off

Sales and marketing analytics is integral to the ability of companies to thrive in today’s markets. In an EIU survey of 448 senior U.S. executives conducted for this study, 70% of respondents say sales and marketing analytics is already “very” or “extremely important” to their own business’s competitive advantage. In just two years, 89% of respondents expect this to be the case. 

Broken links: Why analytics investments have yet to pay off

Sales and marketing analytics is integral to the ability of companies to thrive in today’s markets. In an EIU survey of 448 senior U.S. executives conducted for this study, 70% of respondents say sales and marketing analytics is already “very” or “extremely important” to their own business’s competitive advantage. In just two years, 89% of respondents expect this to be the case. 

Case study - Hong Kong: The perfect climate for startups?

The story of Hong Kong-based Internet of things (IoT) startup Ambi Labs, based in the entrepreneurial Sheung Wan area, starts with a hot dog. An ageing husky named Levy, to be precise.

Julian Lee, a Singaporean and CEO of Ambi Labs who has spent the bulk of his life in Hong Kong, was looking for a way to keep his Siberian pet cool during Hong Kong’s sweaty, humid summer months. The solution he struck upon was a smart, data-driven approach to climate control.

Control air conditioners from afar via an app

Case study - Hong Kong: A home for the factories of the future?

In his 2016 policy address, Hong Kong Chief Executive CY Leung identified a number of future-focused industries - robotics, elderly care and financial technology - as potential growth drivers for Hong Kong in the years ahead.

High aspirations, stark realities

Cloud services, big data analytics and the Internet of Things can transform the public sector. While the opportunities appear to be innumerable, restricted primarily by finite budgets, barriers to adoption commonly emerge in three areas: quality of infrastructure, legal framework and skills. Comprehensive coverage and bandwidth are important infrastructure requirements but cost of access can impede take-up, a problem which countries can potentially manage by reducing entry barriers in their telecommunications sector.

Data security: How a proactive C-suite can reduce cyber-risk for the enterprise

Cyber-security is the number one technology issue in the C-suite and Board Room.  No wonder that many senior executives are asking what they can be doing to stem the tide of cyber-attacks on their firms.

Data security: How a proactive C-suite can reduce cyber-risk for the enterprise

Cyber-security is the number one technology issue in the C-suite and Board Room.  No wonder that many senior executives are asking what they can be doing to stem the tide of cyber-attacks on their firms.

Financial Inclusion: What's Next for Regulators?

Tilman Ehrbeck discusses innovative ways to expand financial inclusion.

A buggy concept

The definition of marketing comes under scrutiny

A new Euro vision: the young donors disrupting philanthropy

“We need to engage the left and the right side of the brain,” says Alexandre Mars, a Paris-born technology entrepreneur and founder of Epic Foundation. “That’s life today. It is all about the mix between something very structured and something fun that has meaning.” This approach, Mr Mars believes, is the key to appealing to a millennial generation of philanthropists who want to have their cake and eat it, too.

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