The Illicit Trade Environment Index - data workbook

The Economist Intelligence Unit created the Illicit Trade Environment Index to score 17 economies in Asia on the extent to which they enable illicit trade. 

Download the Excel Workbook and explore more.

The language of cyber security

Grasping the cyber security issue head-on – and not just via a bullet point or two – is critical.

The Illicit Trade Environment Index

The Economist Intelligence Unit created the Illicit Trade Environment Index to score 17 economies in Asia on the extent to which they enable illicit trade. Economies with the best environment are those taking the most action on the issue while economies that do little score worst.

TRevolution: Revolutionising corporate treasury towards a strategic finance organisation

The countless "new" drivers of organisational development, such as Industry 4.0, Big Data, financial technology (fintech) companies, regulation, governance, straight-through processing (STP) and social networks, have shaped the framework in which we operate. A fast-paced environment that offers a wealth of challenges, but equally, great opportunities—particularly for traditionally specialised support functions like corporate treasury.

Genesis of the data-driven bug

In May of this year, non-profit news organisation ProPublica published a critical story about the use of algorithms in the criminal justice system. They revealed via rigorous statistics that the algorithm tasked with predicting future criminals was racially biased against African Americans. Relying on the output of algorithms without sufficient oversight was leading to the opposite of objectivity—instead of mitigating bias it was introducing it.

We need to talk about blockchain

“Blockchain? Isn't that the bitcoin thing, and aren't they always being stolen?"

China – a quantum walled garden

Throughout history, nations have used walls to protect their interests and keep intruders away from their valuable possessions. With that in mind, it is no surprise that China’s latest walled garden approach is being applied to its cyber assets.

Cyber security: how a compliance mindset can prove dangerous

How industries which introduce regulatory compliance are often viewed as prepared for cyber security issues that arise

A new age of sustainable product

We have entered a new age of product. What companies sell no longer solely entails a client’s needs. It is that, and much more.

The information driving driverless cars

Autonomous vehicles rely on the ability to integrate and interpret data at great speed

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