The transport sector arrives early to the challenges of automation

As an early adopter of real-time information, the transport sector is experiencing challenges today that will be widespread in the near future. 

In this video interview, Patrick Bossert, Digital transformation director at Network Rail, explores how real-time data is reshaping the railways.

Big data evolution

Big data evolution

Why read this report

  • Since 2011, a significantly larger proportion of companies have come to regard and manage data as a strategic corporate asset
  • Strategic data management is correlated with strong financial performance
  • Data-strategy ownership has been elevated and centralised, while engagement and demand from the business is at an all-time high
  • Data initiatives have moved from theoretical possibilities to focus on solving real and pressing business problems
  • Technical challenges associated with quality, quantity and security persist

Big data evolution

The tone of corporate conversations about big data continues to shift from initial excitement to expecting long-term business impact. 

What are the hallmarks of this current stage of evolution, and what does the path to "data adulthood" look like from here? Download our new report to find out.

CMO perspectives: Succeeding in the digital space

Content is sponsored by Accenture and Pegasystems

Today, every business is a digital business.Customer use of digital technologies increasingly drives corporate growth,putting marketing departments at the forefront of leading the digital transformation.This session, sponsored by Accenture and Pegasystems, explored the evolving role of digital leadership: digital strategy, product development and operational challenges like integrating and expanding digital infrastructure, rethinking supply chains and engineering "hyperscale."

The Globe Shopper City Index - Europe

Research Methodology

The Globe Shopper City Index - Europe measures the attractiveness of 33 major European cities for international travel shopping. It is composed of 22 indicators, aggregated into five categories: shops; affordability; convenience; hotels and transport; culture and climate. Eleven of the 22 indicators are based on quantitative data, nine indicators are based on qualitative scores, and two indicators are based on quantitative data and qualitative assessments. The Economist Intelligence Unit developed the indicators and categories independently.

Connect to care

Key Findings

By many comparative measures South Korea has an enviable healthcare system: one that covers the entire population, is relatively cheap to run (healthcare spending is around 7% of GDP, far lower than in many comparably wealthy economies) and gives patients access to a broad range of specialist advice and state-of-the-art treatments. Yet the sustainability of the system, funded in part by mandatory national insurance contributions and in part through patient co-payments, is far from assured.

Busting the artificial intelligence myths

Ignore the hype and the fear, writes David Harding, CEO of Winton Capital Management. Recent developments in AI are not the beginning of the end of the human race, but are simply the latest step in the gradual evolution of computing

Opening up

Opening up: How R&D is changing in the telecommunications sector today investigates how technology and telecommunications firms are dealing with the process of innovation. The report was commissioned by SAS.

The future of healthcare in Europe

Research Methodology

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