Are You Playing Climate Change Defence or Offence after Paris COP21?

By Mark W. McDivitt and Tim Nixon

The data deluge: Five years on

Inside Aviva's shifting mindset

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Crossing the divide, digitally

One recent morning at Kepler Kigali, a non-profit university programme in Rwanda, students faced an interesting problem. Their online healthcare management course was providing excellent training and an opportunity to earn an American college degree, but it also involved the intricacies of the United States’ recently enacted Affordable Care Act—aka Obamacare—and a significant portion of the materials did
not apply to the Rwandan students’ lives or future careers.

The Business of Data-Japanese

EU governments must ramp up obesity strategies or face fiscal crisis

Only a few governments in Europe have a comprehensive strategy to reduce the obesity burden and the rapidly-rising associated healthcare costs.

Using real-time information in manufacturing

Manufacturers are awash with data. From their supply chains through to mechanical movements on the shop floor, outbound logistics, sales, service and beyond, the amount of real-time information available to manufacturers is enormous. 

Swiss banks try to raise homegrown fintech startups to global stage

There are 160 fintech startups in Switzerland—a number that is growing steadily. But Swiss startups, finance focused or otherwise, have historically struggled with international growth, lacking a real incentive to think beyond their borders.

The Business of Data

Despite the obvious benefits of using superior data to drive value-added marketing strategies, companies are facing many barriers, including regulatory uncertainty, consumer privacy issues, security concerns and budget constraints. So while the possibilities of digital disruption and big data are endless, companies need to think very carefully about how to execute their plans to avoid some common pitfalls.

The Business of Data Infographic-From Information to Income

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