Data sovereignty: An interview with David McCue

What do CIOs need to focus on with data privacy and security? Hear from David McCue, senior advisory executive at Xerox.

Data sovereignty: An interview with Giovanni Buttarelli

In a new video, hear from Giovanni Buttarelli, european data protection supervisor to learn more about the evolving privacy landscape.

Companies, digital transformation and information privacy: the next steps

The lack of trust burst into view last October, with the European Court of Justice’s rejection of the Safe Harbour agreement, a set of guidelines that had previously been understood as providing sufficient security for European citizens’ private data to be held in or used by companies in the United States. The ruling about Safe Harbour’s inadequacy and questions about the proposed replacement agreement, Privacy Shield, which was hammered out by EU and US negotiators, have created a legal limbo and have left US companies that do business in the EU uncertain how to proceed.

No rest for the weary marketer

In a new article from Jeff Pundyk, Vice President of Content Marketing and Strategy at The Economist Group, explore the next great marketing challenge and the need to bend the laws of time.

Helping asset managers navigate the data sea

"Data strategy in asset management is fast moving from its infancy to a more developed phase," says Ugo Catterina, senior vice president and head of U.S. internal audit at Allianz Asset Management. "If you don't have a solid strategy and you consider everything at the same level, there is no prioritization, and the ensuring mayhem makes it extremely difficult to find direction in this ocean of data. But a significant number of asset managers in the United States are starting to tackle data strategy in a professional way."

Helping asset managers navigate the data sea

The survey showed that, on the whole, managers are finding tools and technologies to help them create tangible benefits from new data. But look closer and the results show wild variance - with some institutions benefiting substantially while others are failing to gain any advantage.
Read our new report to learn more.

Protecting the brand—cyber-attacks and the reputation of the enterprise

The need to prioritise defences

Surging cities

Through three case studies and a video, explore how cities such as Boston, Jakarta, Delhi and Los Angeles are effectively putting information and data to work. While one city tweets to stay dry during monsoon season and another is focusing on partnerships to build its technological capibilities, these cities are looking to the future and finding new value in data.

What lies ahead? Watch our video and download the case studies to learn more.

Mapping a flood of new data

One city tweets to stay dry

Resilient cities: Extending public services with digitally empowered citizens

Becoming resilient to crime in surging cities

Constant vigilance and insightful analysis are a government’s best defences against crime. Easier said than done. With limited human and digital resources, many cities are beginning to solve crimes, and avoid the conditions that enable them, by tapping into the eyes, ears and phones of their best and most abundant asset: citizens.

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