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A 2016 round up on international trade




On-demand customer service key to success for Asia- Pacific consumer companies: EIU study

Service on-demand-Infographic

Service on-demand

Service on-demand

A sure sign of the novelty of something is when it’s difficult to even name it. An economic phenomenon currently transforming numerous industries has just this characteristic. Dubbed, among other things, the “sharing,” “gig,” “on-demand,” and “peer-to-peer economy,” each of these adjectives has received criticism for being either incorrect or incomplete.

Financial Inclusion: What's Next for Regulators?

Tilman Ehrbeck discusses innovative ways to expand financial inclusion.

A buggy concept

The definition of marketing comes under scrutiny

A new Euro vision: the young donors disrupting philanthropy

“We need to engage the left and the right side of the brain,” says Alexandre Mars, a Paris-born technology entrepreneur and founder of Epic Foundation. “That’s life today. It is all about the mix between something very structured and something fun that has meaning.” This approach, Mr Mars believes, is the key to appealing to a millennial generation of philanthropists who want to have their cake and eat it, too.

M&A is booming but why are UK companies being left out?

What is making UK companies so reluctant to make the first move or attract M&A advances?

Informal innovation: Networks that power start-up cities

This research is based on a survey of 1,000 entrepreneurs across ten cities with reputations as innovation hubs. It finds that start-up founders value informal meet-ups and virtual communities more than other factors in overcoming challenges such as identifying funding sources, grappling with red tape and dealing with the fear of failure.

Challenges for market leaders in 2016

How legacy thinking can damage your business and how to overcome it

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