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A 2016 round up on international trade




Future proofing brands for an era of digital transformation

What does it take to keep a company and its brand at the top today?

A new age of sustainable product

We have entered a new age of product. What companies sell no longer solely entails a client’s needs. It is that, and much more.

Cloud complexity: The need for resilience

Cloud computing is almost universally accepted among organisations, as it reduces company costs while adding speed, agility, and many new IT capabilities. In fact, as many as 78% of executives polled in this study agree that the use of cloud-computing will increase in the next three years. 

In this report, sponsored by Sungard Availability Services, and conducted by the EIU, 304 executives dispersed across France, the United Kingdom and the United States, were polled regarding their organisational resilience and technology adoption.

Informal innovation: Networks that power start-up cities

Informal innovation: Singapore

Judging by at least one international assessment, it is making progress in that direction. In 2015, for example, it rose to 10th position in the Global Startup Ecosystem Rankings, becoming the first Asia-Pacific city to break into this select group.

Evolving Development Goals in an evolving world

The concerns of developed countries and developing countries vary greatly. In fact, high-income economies rank increasing innovation as a top priority, whereas low-income economies value innovation least, and are more concerned with meeting basic needs such improving the quality and access to healthcare. 

Evolving development goals in an evolving world is an EIU report, sponsored by Microsoft, that explores how policymakers in both the developed and developing world prioritise social and environmental goals.



Marketers will need to adapt tactics for on-demand customer service

Customer service can make or break a brand.

The resilient workforce

How innovative companies engage and motivate employees to perform to the best of their ability, creating an adaptable, high-performing workforce that helps organisations to become more resilient

The business of unlocking women’s potential

The undeveloped capabilities of women hold huge promise for global businesses

Trust in cloud technology and business performance: Reaping benefits from the cloud

Extensive cloud services for corporate use are still in their infancy, as they are only ten years old. In 2011 a global State of the Cloud Survey found that fewer than 20% of organisations had fully implemented large-scale cloud services. Just five years later, in the EIU survey conducted for this report, 99% of respondents report they use at least some cloud services.


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