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A 2016 round up on international trade




What expatriates bring: India's entrepreneurial expatriates

What expatriates bring: China's millennials abroad

What expatriates bring: Introduction

What expatriates bring

Immigration has become one of the most widely discussed topics of today’s political and media discourse, trumping the debate on economic and foreign policy.

A 2016 round up on international trade

Public work we have done on trade-related issues in 2016

Towards disaster-risk-sensitive investments

There is a growing need to recognise disaster risk as a core element of both business strategy and economic planning. Scientific evidence validated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) clearly points to an increase in both the incidence and the severity of extreme weather events—a trend that is expected to worsen due to climate change. At the same time, economic growth means that societies are becoming richer, thereby increasing the value of assets at risk of these extreme weather events.

Strengthening benefits awareness in the C-suite

An Economist Intelligence Unit global survey, sponsored by PMI, of more than 500 executives found that only 61% of high-impact projects yielded their intended strategic benefits. Surprisingly, those implementing strategy frequently aren’t aware of what their projects are meant to achieve. Indeed, all survey respondents noted that such ignorance somewhere in the company was impeding the successful completion of strategic projects.

Authenticity in the Age of Trump

In marketing we throw around words like authenticity, trust, and credibility as the keys to developing relationships with customers that go beyond simply selling something to someone. We hold these words up as signifiers that we have some higher purpose, some place in people’s lives that transcends the transactional. Of course, in private we know this is not really true.

Part 1: The end of globalisation?

Business leaders face significant risks if the world becomes more fragmented.

Latin America: Room for growth

For the most part, Latin America has overcome its reputation as a region dogged by debt crises, hyperinflation and political instability, a reputation
that has long discouraged foreign investment. Although political and economic volatility is still present in the region, these factors are now more
the exception than the rule. And while some macroeconomic weaknesses persist, the region is today more stable than in previous decades amid

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