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Green Finance: Making the Transition to a Climate-Resilient Future
A Digital Future: Financial Services and the Generation Game









Investing for impact

To give or invest?

Many successful business people have shaped their legacy through giving. From the Carnegies and Rockerfellers to George Cadbury and George Peabody, the foundations of venture philanthropy were laid long ago. However, as the threats from global warming have become clearer and more immediate and large proportion of the world’s population subsists below the poverty line, HNWIs globally have increasingly been looking for ways to give constructively and invest with purpose.

A whole new world: how technology is driving the evolution of intelligent banking

About this report

In January-March 2019 The Economist Intelligence Unit, on behalf of Temenos, surveyed 405 global banking executives on the changes they see taking place in their industry to 2020 and 2025, their organisational response, and the longer-term impact on their strategic development. This, the sixth iteration of the retail banking survey, focuses on how these retail banks are incorporating and advancing technology delivery for their current and future customers.

SDGs fundamental to financial investment decisions in Asia according to new EIU report

Digital platforms and services: A development opportunity for ASEAN

Digital platforms and services stimulate economic growth and development. Countries are looking to the “internet economy” to provide new market opportunities and help achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as promoting economic growth and sustainable industralisation, a process often relying on an increase in online access rates and smartphone penetration.

On the Frontline: Fintech vs Money Laundering

The survey was conducted by The Economist Intelligence Unit on behalf of LexisNexis®  Risk Solutions from December 2018 to March 2019. More than 200 senior compliance, finance and legal executives from regulated sectors (banking and financial services, legal, real estate and gaming) participated in the survey.

On The Frontline: The UK's Fight Against Money Laundering

With potentially hundreds of billions of pounds in illicit funds flowing through its economy each year, the UK lies at the heart of the fight against financial crime. Despite significant investment, anti-money laundering (AML) enforcement successes are limited. The banking industry alone spends some £5bn per year1 on people and systems to track and report criminals and money flows, yet only a very small fraction of laundered money is ever recovered.


* 注 : 国际会计准则理事会(IASB)已提议将 IFRS 17 的生效日期由 2021 年推延 12 个月至 2022 年 1 月 1 日。

2017 年 5 月,国际会计准则理事会(下称“IASB”)发布了业界期待多时的 IFRS 17,标志着首份针对 保险合同的全面国际财务报告准则指引在历时多年后终于制定完成。IFRS 17 将取代当前的临时准则: 《国际财务报告准则第 4 号》(下称“IFRS 4”)。过去十年,当 IASB 专注于制定 IFRS 17 时,IFRS 4 为会计实务提供了指导。此外,虽然《国际财务报告准则第 9 号―金融工具》(下称“IFRS 9”)的生效 日期为 2018 年,IASB 容许所有拥有大量保险业务的公司选择延缓三年实施;IFRS 9 将彻底改变保险公 司对债券和股票投资的会计处理方法。该延期决定把上述两项重大会计改革的生效日期契合起来,这意味 着,新准则的启动将成为保险业企业报告变革前所未见的里程碑。

Capital Markets in 2030: The future of equity capital markets

Global capital markets reached new post–financial crisis highs in 2018. This expansion was largely driven by the US economy. Companies now have to consider a growing range of issues that may affect the shape of future capital market activity, such as an increasing focus by regulators and investors on sustainability and governance, and mounting concerns around deglobalisation, rising populism and greater geopolitical risks.

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