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Green Finance: Making the Transition to a Climate-Resilient Future
A Digital Future: Financial Services and the Generation Game




U.S. tax reform: The global dimension

Corporate taxpayers in the U.S. and many around the world have their hands full puzzling out the impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The TCJA reduces the U.S. corporate income tax rate from 34% to 21%, switches the country to a territorial tax system in which businesses are taxed only on income earned within U.S. borders, and drops personal income tax rates modestly, although this provision will expire in 2025. It also encourages U.S.

Taxing digital services

Taxing digital services: The devil's in the details

How to tax the digital economy, i.e., commercial transactions conducted electronically on the internet, has been a thorny issue for governments and business for years. In March the European Commission unveiled a proposal for two new directives to stem what the EC considers to be revenue losses caused by loopholes in the global corporate tax system. Officials estimate that digital businesses in the EU pay an average effective tax rate of 9.5%, while traditional businesses pay 23.3%.

Risks and opportunities in a changing world

Read our Taxing digital servicesU.S. tax reform: The global dimension, & Planning for life after NAFTA articles by clicking the thumbnails below. 

The rise of startup Japan

Masayoshi Son, the founder of Softbank and lead of what is now the largest venture capital fund in the world, the Vision Fund, speaks of an “information revolution”.

The Future is Now: How Ready is Treasury?

The traditional role, structure and staffing of treasury are being challenged on all sides. Customers, supply chains, banks and transaction services providers alike are being disrupted by digitalisation and new technologies. Corporate treasurers face the direct challenges of new compliance, tax and regulatory initiatives in Europe, the US and elsewhere while coping with the ongoing evolution of their own companies’ existing business models.

Creating better retirement outcomes using data, technology and transparency

In the US, 95% of salaried new hires have defined contribution (DC) plans as their only employer-sponsored retirement plan option, according to Willis Towers Watson (1). Other markets around the world are following a similar path. But the societal shift from defined benefit to DC plans has not always been smooth for employees. Thus, there’s a clear impetus for retirement stakeholders to forge plans that work for DC participants.

The Future of Infrastructure Finance in MEASA

 However, particularly in emerging economies, there is a chronic shortage of necessary investment to build transport, communications, energy and water infrastructure. In the Middle East, Africa and South Asia (MEASA) region, the funding deficit amounts to over US$500bn annually.

Innovations in Identity in Financial Services

Many citizens in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia (MEASA) region lack standard identification documents such as passports, or the credit data needed to secure loans. However, technological innovations are presenting new opportunities to collect, validate and store client information that are driving efficiencies and reducing costs for financial institutions.

The Next Frontier: The future of finance in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia

The Middle East, Africa and South Asia (MEASA) region is already poised to shape financial innovation. With a combined population of over 3bn, deepening mobile connectivity, and growing prominence as a trade and investment hub, MEASA will be a source of both demand and supply for more and better financial services. For companies that move quickly, this is a multi-billion-dollar opportunity to bank on the future of a diverse region.

Whose customer are you? The reality of digital banking in Asia-Pacific

China leads Asia’s diverse digital banking markets

If you want to see what universal digital banking looks like, skip Silicon Valley or London’s fintech hubs. China’s Alipay and WeChat Pay show how to do smart, mobile-based banking on a massive scale. Regulators are now adapting to new customer demands.

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