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Authenticity in the Age of Trump




The 'transparent' US Navy

Until about two years ago, the US Navy was like most large organisations involved with social media—it primarily used social networks to tell the world about itself. But suddenly, with one dramatic crisis, the brass decided that the Navy must actively engage people through such channels. It was 2009, and four Somali pirates were fleeing their bungled hijacking of an American-flagged ship after the USS Bainbridge interrupted the theft. The pirates, in a commandeered lifeboat, held hostage Richard Phillips, captain of the attacked ship.

The global boutique

When customers start interacting with products they love, good things can happen. This was the case with Australia-based LaRoo, a privately held maker of mobile-phone accessories founded six years ago by Lara Solomon, a former brand manager with Conair, SC Johnson and Vidal Sassoon.

Ms Solomon hit on a product idea that was both quirky and inexpensive—colourful sock-like covers for mobile devices, which she dubbed Mocks. The products are made in China but are small enough to send anywhere in the world, and thanks to the easy ability to tap online communities.

Change management in practice: a focus on sustainability

The requirements of successful change management are often described in broad terms. The details, however, also matter, and invariably differ from field to field. For example, the integration of sustainability into companies in recent years has involved substantial change efforts. The experience of P&G and UPS illustrates the process of applying broad rules in particular circumstances.

Boo-box: How to make online content profitable

Brazil’s media and entertainment market is forecast to grow by nearly 12% between 2011 and 2015, a much higher rate than in the US and European countries. According to Mr Gomes, Latin America is undergoing a major digital revolution. “Facilitated access to the internet and the growth of homes with personal computers, laptops, smartphones and tablet sales have fostered a spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation in Latin America,” he says. “I believe we can expect a massive expansion of start-ups focused on technology, internet and e-commerce.”

A punishing time for publishing

Our survey confirms that publishing firms are struggling more than their internet, TV and entertainment peers to adapt to changes brought about by the shift to digital. Perhaps most importantly, only half (49%) of magazine publishers believe marketing through digital channels has increased their sales and lead generation significantly compared with two-thirds of TV and film companies.  

Meanwhile, only 55% of newspaper publishers expect to have a digital model that is commercially successful in the next three years compared with 69% of film companies.

Storing your content

In the download market Sony Pictures Entertainment, the television and film unit of Japanese conglomerate Sony, has launched Ultraviolet, a cloud service where customers can store their purchased films. Mitch Singer, Chief Digital Strategy Officer at Sony Pictures Entertainment and the chief architect of UltraViolet, says the idea originated from customer research.

High-growth markets

As in other industries, another important driver of change in media and entertainment is the rapid growth of emerging markets. In terms of total media spend, the US remains the world&;s largest market by far with, according to PwC, a total spend in 2010 of over $443 billion. However, other countries are growing more quickly.

IBM: The authentic enterprise

Global technology giant IBM sees a transformation under way in business that tests many of the assumptions of the modern multinational corporate model. Globalisation, combined with the web and the resulting ability of customers, investors, media and regulatory bodies to interact with each other, is overturning the corporation’s ability to segment audiences and messages, says Jon Iwata, IBM’s newly promoted senior vice-president of marketing and communications.

Want to boost green thinking? Apply a little behavioural science

Today, businesses ignore sustainability and green issues at their peril. According to nearly 40% of our survey respondents (60% in France and 43% in China), consumers today would like to see companies reduce their carbon footprint on products and services. The issue is more important, they say, than designing cheaper, better value or more reliable products. But consumers themselves have a big role to play in reducing greenhouse emissions—not simply in the product choices they make, but in being aware of their own behaviour, especially regarding energy consumption.

Building a community of customers

Castorama, a French home-improvement chain owned by Kingfisher, has devised an innovative way of allowing its customers to benefit from each other’s expertise.  Les Trocs&;heures is a free website that allows customers to swap their DIY expertise (troc is French for barter or swap).

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