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Authenticity in the Age of Trump




The Antidote to Ambiguity

As part of The Risk Summit 2011, Dev Patnaik, Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Jump Associates, presented his views on how hybrid thinking is the answer to solving ambiguous challenges.

A fresh view on the future

In this video, part of The Risk Summit 2011, Mark Stevenson, Author of An Optimist's Tour of the Future, provided his view on the future and the risks it will bring with it.

How to manage the press in a high profile corporate disaster

In this session of The Risk Summit 2011, media, PR and spin experts analysed how a hypothetical corporate crisis evolves in the press, online and in social networks, sharing tips on how to manage the public presentation of a high-profile disaster.

On repositioning pharma for a new era

This panel of The Pharma Summit 2011, chaired by Peter Collins, Online Business and Finance Editor at The Economist, discusses the changing demands on the industry and how they can be reconciled with pharma’s commercial interests.

The case for personalised medicine

This session of The Pharma Summit 2011, chaired by Tom Standage, Digital Editor at The Economist, explores new developments in personalised medicine and discuss whether it can be made to pay its way.

Wal-Mart shows how physical stores remain a core pillar of an omnichannel strategy

Only one bricks-and-mortar retailer makes it into the top five for customer service in our survey: Wal-Mart of the US, which has embraced omnichannel as a way to compete with Amazon and in response to changing shopping habits. For now, its online sales remain small. However, it is experimenting with a host of initiatives designed not just to integrate its big store presence with its online one, but also to make shopping easier and quicker—and to make its store network useful to today’s connected consumer.

Marks & Spencer's aspiration to become omnichannel

Go back to 2009, and Marks & Spencer (M&S) looked to be in some trouble as it announced the appointment of a new boss, Marc Bolland. The 150-year-old British retailer was still the biggest clothes seller in the country, and its (relatively upmarket) food sales were healthy. But the problems were mounting, reflected in a slide in general merchandise (including fashion) sales, and indeed in the company’s reputation for value and quality.

ManpowerGroup: managing knowledge

Even after valuable data have been collected, analysed and distilled into insights, they need to be effectively disseminated throughout an organisation. To encourage employees to connect with these data on a personal level requires more than a company-wide e-mail.

Scripps Health: fostering a data-driven culture

“In healthcare, it’s not ’big data’,” says Dr Jim LaBelle, corporate vice-president of quality, medical management and physician co-management at Scripps Health, the San Diego-based health system that includes 5 hospitals, 2,600 physicians and more than 13,000 employees. “It is a tidal wave of data. And our ability to restructure and change our culture is almost entirely informed by these data,” he says.

The data sceptics

Peter Fader and Eric Bradlow are professors of marketing at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. They are also co-directors of the Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative, an academic research centre that focuses on the development and application of customer analytic methods and data-driven business decision-making. And they are both critical of the approach businesses are currently taking to big data. The Economist Intelligence Unit conducted a joint interview with these thought leaders on the meaning of big data, and what needs to change.

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