

Hero Carousel


Authenticity in the Age of Trump




James Alexander on new visions of prosperity

Perspectives on 2025

  • James Alexander is co-founder of, a peer-to-peer lending website, and partner at The Foundation, a growth and innovation consultancy
  • Will measures of wellbeing will supplant familiar ones of wealth and output in the future

Nicolas Brusson on collaborative consumption

Perspectives on 2025:

  • Co-founder of online car-pooling firm Blablacar
  • What's driving - and what's holding back - the growth of collaborative consumption

Andy Gibson on Tomorrow's Entrepreneurs

Perspectives on 2025:

  • Andy Gibson, founder and director of Sociability, a social technology consultancy, and co-founder of the award-winning education start-up, School of Everything
  • How the changing needs of customers are shaping social entrepreneurship and how technology can help entrepreneurs meet these needs

Mark Earls on the future of behaviour change

Mark Earls, founder of Herd, a consultancy specialising in human behaviour, discusses what levers governments and others may be using by 2025 to drive behaviour change

The Big Rethink 2013 - Make People Happy

Investigate the gains experienced by brands that make people feel happy and fulfilled, and the fascinating ways that they do it.

On brand and margins

Pippa Malmgren discusses how developments in the global economic landscape will force brands to change the way they operate.

The Big Rethink 2013: Make people happy

Panel discussion about the evolving approach of marketing towards happiness, and how to help create it for customers.

The Big Rethink 2013: Opening keynote

After 47 years in advertising and communications, John Hegarty, founder of creative agency BBH, shares his views on the current state of the industry.

The Big Rethink 2013: Help consumers express their identities

A panel discussion about the emerging need for brands to tailor themselves to the individual identities of the customer.

On being mysterious

Fabien Riggall, founder of 'Secret Cinema', discusses how powerful an air of mystery can be when promoting a brand.

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