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Authenticity in the Age of Trump




The role of gas in the UK energy mix

Vitaly Vasiliev, CEO of Gazprom marketing and trading, discusses the role of gas in the UK energy mix.

Engaging with and influencing the energy consumer

In this video part of the UK Energy Summit 2012, a panel of experts discusses on how government and industry can persuade consumers to think differently and change their behaviours to conserve energy.

Alastair Campbell: Be Influential

Former Director of Communications and Strategy to the Blair government, Alastair Campbell, talks about the pace of change within the world, and argues that organizations need to be more strategic.

Rethinking your strategy to take on an uncertain future

Peter Schwartz, co-founder of the Global Business Network, argues that businesses need to work harder to drive change in an inherently unpredictable world.

On the increasing value of new ideas

Robin Bew of the Economist Intelligence Unit sets the stage for this panel discussion that casts its gaze into the future. What is the outlook for the global economy? How can we encourage innovation across all sectors?

The Big Rethink 2011: Inspiration from two big rethinkers

Entrepreneurs Iqbal Quadir and Julie Meyer talk about how new technologies can and will empower individual capitalism in the 21st century.

The Big Rethink 2011: On connectivity driving imaginative business

Cory Doctorow espouses the advantages of a truly connected online society in the driving forward of new imaginative businesses.

Tourism: New opportunities in hospitality

This panel, part of the Inside Ukraine 2011 event, explored what Ukraine can learn from more developed tourism industries to strengthen the key driver of the country's economy and assessing how attractive is the market for foreign players.

On rebranding pharma

This video is one of the selected highlights from some of the experts on the subject of health and wellbeing, as part of The Big Ideas Project. Jonathan Sands, Chairman of Elmwood shared his thoughts on "rebranding pharma".

On an uncertain world

In her opening keynote address at The Risk Summit 2011, Pippa Malmgren, President and Founder at Principalis Asset Management, discussed how how an uncertain worlds breeds opportunity as well as risks, which can be both measured or unquantifiable.

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