Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Money with no middleman

This video explains why the technology that underpins the bitcoin currency may prove revolutionary on many fronts.

Big roles for big data

HR and the emerging digital economy 

The ROI of customer-experience technology

The ROI of customer-experience technology.  Case study: On-board wifi.  An Interview with Michael Small, President & CEO, Gogo

Maersk's Tim Smith on increasing capacities

Tim Smith, Chief Executive, North Asia, Maersk Line

The Risk Summit 2010 - A view that could change how you perceive risk

In this session of The Risk Summit 2010, Tom Hulme, European Design Director at IDEO, talks about a fresh way of thinking that, if adopted by business leaders, can turn apparent risks into exciting opportunities.

Thinking about the car in a completely new way

In this video, part of the Redesigning Business Summit, Hugo Spowers, Partner, Riversimple, explained how Riversimple designed a completely new kind of car, and a completely new kind of business to go with it.

Making airports customer-centric

How are airport facilities being reshaped to clear the path for passengers?

SB Ahn on 'What is the key benefit to a thriving blue economy?'

Interview with SB Ahn, Global Offshore and Marine Leader, GE

Jeff Immelt on innovation at Look ahead Seoul

Jeff Immelt on innovation at Look ahead Seoul

Esben Poulsson at Look ahead Seoul

Esben Poulsson at Look ahead Seoul

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