Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



Hero Carousel


Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Embracing hyperconnectivity at BBVA Compass

An interview with Jeff Dennes, Chief Digital Banking Officer, BBVA Compass about the journey to hyperconnectivity.

Haier's Hyperconnected Strategy

How Haier Asia is adapting its strategy and organisational structure to the hyperconnected age

Power to the Patient

Key findings include:

  • 64% of healthcare executives say mobile health could dramatically improve outcomes by giving people greater access to medical information
  • 79% of healthcare professionals say that mobile technologies are providing education and information
  • In five years, 50% predict that mobile health will enable patients to participate more proactively in their own care

Changing outcomes and lives

Mapping the cloud maturity curve

Fundamentals 4 + 5: Spotlight on security grows after high-profile cyberattacks

Mapping the cloud maturity curve

Fundamentals 2 + 3: Channelling digital, people and organisational power

Mapping the cloud maturity curve

Fundamental 1: Mapping the route

Mapping the cloud maturity curve

Preparing for next-generation cloud: Lessons learned and insights shared


Hyperconnected organisations

The key findings are as follows: 

  • Adapting to hyperconnectivity is a matter of survival, most executives agree.Nearly six out of ten (59%) survey respondents agree that a failure to adapt to hyperconnectivity is the gravest risk their company faces. 
  • However, most view hyperconnectivity a positive influence. Eight out of ten respondents believe hyperconnectivity has been beneficial for their organisation, and two thirds say it presents more opportunities than threats. 

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