Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion





Collaboration meets learning: Driving culture change with cloud-based tools

cablex AG

Going paperless: Cloud-based support keeps technicians on the job

Schneider Electric

A touch of SPICE: working smarter through cloud-based employee collaboration

Northeast Georgia Medical Center

A medical relay race: using cloud and mobility to shave minutes off the time needed to treat heart attacks

Genpact-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Intelligent Operations Exchange

Crowdstorming: Sourcing the best ideas from the global community

Genpact, a spin-off of General Electric, is a global enterprise that provides large-scale business process development and re-engineering services. It reports more than $2bn in annual revenues and employs more than 67,000 workers in 24 countries.

A professional image: supporting big-name brands on a budget

Finding a level playing field

The collaborative cloud

Report Summary

Early adopters of cloud technology—companies that have planned, implemented and seen the benefits in real deployments—are beginning to establish a track record of “lessons learned”. The Economist Intelligence Unit, sponsored by SAP, has analysed the experiences of six companies that have implemented cloud solutions specifically designed to foster collaboration in the workplace.

Finding the level playing field

Finding a level playing field

Report Summary

Technological innovation is reshaping markets and creating new opportunities for businesses at a faster rate than at any other time in living memory.  But to realise the promise of greater economic growth, incumbent businesses, challengers and the policymakers who regulate them need to find a balance that encourages fairness without either stifling entrepreneurialism or compromising the public interest. 

Finding this balance has proven difficult for businesses and industry regulators alike.

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