Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




The future of business: Supply chains

Why read this report

  • Supply chains are becoming more agile and more robust.
  • As more data are collected, companies will be able to mine the data for additional insights.
  • Companies wanting to assure themselves of the quality of a particular supplier can tap the insights and intelligence of entire communities.
  • As the huge complex of supply chains become more streamlined, many of them may also become more regional.

The way forward

Growth Crossings: Trade innovations

Trade Innovations

Technology is not only having a profound effect on business in developed markets. Innovations involving robotics, cloud computing and 3D printing are disrupting industries in emerging markets and enabling companies to achieve new efficiencies in the way they operate. How will these technologies affect emerging-market trade, logistics and supply chain management?

The Safe Cities Index 2015 Summary-Japanese

エコノミスト・インテリジェンス・ユニットの発表する“Safe Cities Index 2015”において東京が一位に選ばれる

  • デジタル時代の変革によって、サイバーリスクのような新たなリスクが生じている

  • ニューヨークはロンドン、パリ、マドリッド、ローマなどのヨーロッパ勢を抜きトップ10位にランクイン

  • 経済力が都市の安全を保障するとは限らない



The Safe Cities Index 2015

The Economist Intelligence Unit has launched  measuring urban safety and security. The Safe Cities Index 2015, sponsored by NEC, ranks 50 cities worldwide across five continents. 

Rory McDonald, assistant professor at Harvard Business School, defines the level playing field

Rory McDonald on why all companies should have the ability and motivation to pursue innovation.

Rachel Haot, CDO of the State of NY, defines the level playing field

Rachel Haot explains the common aims of government and innovators.

Minerva Tantoco, CTO of NYC, defines the level playing field

Minerva Tantoco discusses why innovation should not push forward at the expense of public safety.

Jessika Trancik, assistant professor at MIT, defines the level playing field

Jessika Trancik explains how data and metrics can help policymakers track the impact of technological innovation.

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