Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



Hero Carousel


Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




The open corporation

Why read this report

  • The app culture winds of change are strong. IT consumerisation has already led to cultural shifts at over half of the respondents’ companies—53%report they have already seen either some or major cultural changes due to the use of personal devices and applications. And the revolution is far from over: 84% of respondents expect to see major or some changes in the next three years as a result of the emerging app culture.

Smart SMBs

The Internet of Things business index

Case study: Driving towards common standards

Vehicle standards for safety and emissions differ widely from one region to another. “Car manufacturers cannot develop one car and sell it across the world,” says Filip Sergeys, head of intelligent transport systems (ITS) government relations and regulations at Honda Motor Europe.

The hype and the hope: The road to big data adoption in Asia-Pacific

Why read this report:

  • Adoption is slower than you would expect: More than half of firms have made little or no progress in their big data strategies
  • Internal issues are inhibiting adoption: 91% of companies cite internal issues as barriers to big data adoption

The evolving role of data in decision-making

The hype and the hope

The hype and the hope

Technological change in Asia - presentations

Technological change in Asia - infographic

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