Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



Hero Carousel


Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Cracking the code of silence

A day in the life of an information risk manager

Measuring the soft costs of cybercrime: a hard problem in need of a solution

Cyberattacks come in many forms, and each can entail soft costs of different kinds and magnitudes. Cyberthieves could steal sensitive personal data, taking the trust of current and future customers with them. “Hacktivists” could immobilize a website, causing customer frustration and bad press. Competitors could lift product designs and take over the market with low-cost copies. And hostile nations could disrupt or destroy services and facilities vital to a healthy economy.

Buyer beware

What’s in a number? Estimating the cost of cybercrime

If you need to understand property crime in the US, visit the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s website. Its Uniform Crime Report will tell you how many offenses were committed nationally in 2011 (9,063,173) and of what type (burglary 24%, larceny 68% and motor vehicle theft 7.9%). It will also give you an estimate of how much property crime cost the US economy that year ($15.6bn).

Managing multinational information

Too much information

Building information risk into the business

Information risk

Research Methodology

This report draws on two main sources for its research and findings:

Power from big data

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