Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Big data getting bigger: What the Internet of Things means for data

The amount of information flowing across networks has mushroomed in recent years, and its varieties multiplied, thanks to the growth of social media, peer-to-peer websites, mobile Internet use and other modes of digital communication. Data is now termed “big” not only due to its enormous quantities and multiplicity of types (photos and video, for example, in addition to conventional spreadsheet data). “Big” also refers to the potential opportunities for organisations that can mine the data mountains and extract the insights they contain. 

Managing "always on": Mobility and the work-life balance in organisations

The era of the always-on workforce is upon us. Mobile technologies have created an environment of ubiquitous connectivity in which employees can be accessible at any time of the day, any day of the week.

Privacy uncovered

The key findings of this report are:

Regulating mobility: Mobile trading and compliance in the financial sector

In the financial sector, managing compliance with regulatory requirements is an enormously complex challenge. Rapid technology advances in areas such as automated trading, while revolutionising everyday operations, are making the job of compliance tougher. Until relatively recently the use of mobile technologies in financial institutions—unarguably a boon to trader productivity and a rich source of new products and services—has escaped regulatory scrutiny in most developed countries.

The rise of the customer-led economy

Research Methodology

In June 2013 The Economist Intelligence Unit conducted a global survey of 1,300 executives. The respondents are based in Europe (35%), North America (30%) and Asia-Pacific (24%); the remainder are from the Middle East and Africa and Latin America. A total of 90 countries are represented. C-level executives represent 61% of the total number of respondents, who hail from 19 different industries.

The rise of the customer-led economy

 “To satisfy the customer is the mission and purpose of every business.”

-Management guru Peter Drucker

But for decades the gap between big companies and the customers who bought their products and services has grown only wider. The customer might be king, but his crown slipped.

The data directive

Good to grow? The environment for Asia's Internet businesses

Key Findings

  • There is global demand for Asian content and platforms, but few entrepreneurs are thinking globally
  • Asian Internet businesses typically focus on home markets, either because they are potentially huge or because they feel they need to build scale before venturing abroad
  • Monetisation is an uphill battle for many entrepreneurs
  • Online payment channels are fragmented and under-developed, hindering business

Good to grow? The environment for Asia's Internet businesses

Executive summary

Over the past decade Asia has become the world leader for the majority of Internet-related statistics. It has close to 50% of the world’s Internet users, some of the fastest broadband speeds globally, and the most rapid growth in mobile broadband out of any region worldwide. Yet it is curious that there are some areas where Asia is lagging. The most obvious is the size and global interests of its Internet businesses.

E-government in Europe, the Middle East and Africa

E-government in EMEA: Expert views on the UN e-government survey is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, sponsored by Oracle. This report focuses on e-government trends in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and also looks at the role of the biennial United Nations survey of e-government development.

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