Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



Hero Carousel


Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




IT and the Environment: A new item on the CIO’s agenda?

The innovation imperative in biopharma

Great expectations or misplaced hopes?

Research Methodology

The report draws on two main research inputs for its findings:

Content disruptors

Secure data access in a mobile universe

Helping entrepreneurs flourish

Emerging mHealth: Paths for growth

Research Methodology

Mobile healthcare (mHealth) is “the biggest technology breakthrough of our time [being used] to address our greatest national challenge”, said US Health and Human Services Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius in her keynote address at the 2011 annual mHealth Summit in the Washington, DC area. Worldwide, the technology and its promise have moved up the healthcare agenda.

Big data and the democratisation of decisions

Research Methodology

In August 2012 the Economist Intelligence Unit, on behalf of Alteryx, surveyed 241 senior executives globally to gauge their perceptions of big data adoption.

Fifty-three percent of respondents were board members or C-suite executives. Those polled were based in North America (34%), the Asia-Pacific region (27%), Western Europe (25%), the Middle East and Africa (6%), Latin America (5%) and Eastern Europe (4%). Half of executives work for companies with revenue that exceeds US$500m. Executives hail from 18 sectors and represent 14 functional roles.

Coming of age: Asia's evolving R&D landscape

Big data

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