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A 2016 round up on international trade




That Shrinking Feeling

The growing importance of empathy in business

Belinda Parmar, CEO of LadyGeek, explains why business leaders must nurture empathy within their organisations and themselves

CFOs must account for back office shift from admin to advisory

As IT and HR budgets outstrip revenue growth, CFOs need to take a fresh look at how these costs are managed and the type of work these support functions are carrying out

Are you looking at the right trends for business resilience and growth?

In recent years, the gaze of corporate decision-makers tends to be relatively tightly focused on products, sales channels and other elements that are only a step away from business fundamentals. But, is this aperture broad enough?

The future of marketing

The rise of the marketer. In our new report, we take a look at the transformation of marketing.  More than 80% of marketing executives surveyed say they need to restructure marketing to better support the business - 29% believe the need for change is urgent.

CEO Briefing 2015: From productivity to outcomes

CEO Briefing 2015 is structured in three chapters. The first chapter examines the impact of digital technologies, particularly the Internet of Things (IoT) on business. The IoT presents an array of challenges and new revenue possibilities but the question is which companies will be able to capitalise on this opportunity. This an especially crucial question as C-suite executives see competition rising sharply in 2015. 

The innovative company

In a world of fast-changing technologies, markets and consumer preferences, innovation is important to all companies, regardless of size, location and industry. Companies that cannot change their offerings or improve their functioning to respond to changes in their environments tend to fall by the wayside, surpassed by more nimble competitors. The strategic question for companies is how to foster a culture of creativity and innovate at all levels of the organisation.

Driving a data-centric culture: a bottom-up opportunity

Driving a data-centric culture: The leadership challenge

Embracing data as a corporate asset—and a source of competitive advantage—is not just a “good idea” that companies should consider. Such adoption will help determine the winners and losers across multiple markets and industries in the future.  

Who’s big on big data?

Report Summary

Executives at the helm of organisations today are experimenting with ways that big data can be used to strategically add business value. A survey of more than 395 C-level executives, sponsored by Platfora, shows that senior leaders are optimistic about the capabilities of big data, but many still struggle with big-data applications.

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