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A 2016 round up on international trade




Confidence or Complacency? - The implications of an ageing workforce in Germany

Why read this report

  • German executives are leading the response to workforce ageing. Compared with their counterparts in other countries, they rank in first or second place when it comes to offering more flexible working hours or working from home (77%), changing the employee benefits they offer (55%), and making physical changes to the workplace (45%).

The Home Depot: driving sales through mobile technology

Discover how these retail giants are investing in mobile technology to improve customer engagement and drive revenue:

The Home Depot: driving sales through mobile technology

The new retail

Umicore: Succeeding in Europe

When contemplating the economic landscape, Marc Grynberg certainly pulls no punches. “I expect Europe to continue to stagnate,” he says. “Europe is in a scenario of very slow recovery, and that’s probably going to prevail for
the next few years.”

But because the group’s business is based on extracting precious metals and other materials from mining and industrial waste, Europe’s tough regulatory environment favours its growth.

The agenda for insurance

Insights into the insurance industry in 2014. Consolidation and new market entrants present challenges but insurance companies see an array of opportunities for growth. This is particularly strong in emerging markets and often aided by innovative new technologies.

Read the full article below:

The business agenda for Europe

European executives are looking forward to a year of gradually accelerating growth and the expansion of their businesses. Their plans for the year ahead reveal ambitious overseas investment strategies, with a distinct focus on non-BRIC, rapidly-growing emerging markets. Given the battering Europe’s economies have taken in the wake of the global financial and subsequent euro crisis, many companies are more focused on rebuilding their businesses than prioritising investments in cutting-edge technologies.

The agenda for banking

Executives in the banking sector are more optimistic than their C-suite peers in other industries. Emerging markets are growing, the developed world is recovering and companies are adapting to stiffer regulation. But while there are positive signs, there is also the risk of complacency in the face of rising competition. Industry consolidation and new market entrants loom large as technology, regulation and consumer demands are reshaping financial services. 

For further analysis of the opportunities and risks facing the banking sector in 2014, read the full article below:

CEO Briefing 2014 - The Global Agenda: Competing in a Digital World

New global survey highlights the hard costs of organisational complexity—and suggests some ways to mitigate it

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