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A 2016 round up on international trade




Competing for Africa's human resources: Employers on the continent need the right talent to capitalise on the economic boom

There is unparalleled optimism about the growth prospects on the African continent—7 of the 10 world’s fastest growing economies are in Sub-Saharan Africa, and by 2050, the region will have a larger and younger workforce than China or India.

Strategies for managing customer and supplier risks

Why read this report

  • Companies that track risk-management outcomes (about half of our respondents) report substantially better performance. Nearly 90% of those who track customer risk-management outcomes say they manage those risks successfully, compared with 54% of those who don’t. For supplier risks, similarly, 85% of those that track outcomes report successful risk management, compared with 51% of those who don’t.

Mitigating risk in an increasingly complex international regulatory environment

Governments around the world have responded to the unprecedented pace of financial and technological innovation by building a rapidly growing matrix of international regulation.

The challenge of speed: Government in Europe

Only a minority of government managers in Europe report a sense of urgency about the need for change. Indeed, complacency is one of the key findings of a recent survey of 461 senior managers and executives in the public and provate sectors conducted by The Economist Intelligence Unit. 

The challenge of speed: Education

Education is the beating heart of the knowledge economy. However, that heart may not be beating suffi ciently fast to feed an economy that needs prodigious amounts of intellectual capital to grow. European educators believe they need to change—and fully 98% are under some level of pressure to adapt to rapid change. 

The challenge of speed in healthcare

The healthcare sector needs to change faster. There is pressure to improve existing administrative processes and interoperability between systems, while at the same time increasing the awareness of patients and the skills of healthcare professionals. How else can the sector modernise quickly enough to deliver the preventive medicines and personal health support required to meet the growing demand? 

The challenge of speed

Driven by ever greater globalisation and technological innovation as well as rocketing consumer expectations, Europe’s businesses need to move faster.

Adapting in tough times - The growing resilience of UK SMEs

Business across borders

Scaling SMEs

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