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A 2016 round up on international trade




The global consumer opportunity

Proving value in an age of austerity

Report Summary

Business on the move: Executive summary

Business travel trends in Western Europe are forecast to change amid the continent’s competing economic winds, blowing hot from the high growth markets and a little cooler from economies closer to home 

Business on the move

Research Methodology

It draws on two main sources for its research and findings: (i) a survey of 318 European executives; and (ii) a supplementary series of in-depth interviews with senior executives and analysts.

The corporations and communities debates

Should giving to charity be part of a company’s social responsibilities? This was the question the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) sought to explore in the first round of its Corporations and Communities Debate series. The motion chosen was: “CSR has nothing to do with charity”. The idea was to provoke discussion on whether or not companies should treat philanthropic contributions as an important part of their social responsibilities—or whether businesses can have a greater social impact by leaving charity to others and doing what they do best: making money.

Measuring the soft costs of cybercrime: a hard problem in need of a solution

Cyberattacks come in many forms, and each can entail soft costs of different kinds and magnitudes. Cyberthieves could steal sensitive personal data, taking the trust of current and future customers with them. “Hacktivists” could immobilize a website, causing customer frustration and bad press. Competitors could lift product designs and take over the market with low-cost copies. And hostile nations could disrupt or destroy services and facilities vital to a healthy economy.

What’s in a number? Estimating the cost of cybercrime

If you need to understand property crime in the US, visit the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s website. Its Uniform Crime Report will tell you how many offenses were committed nationally in 2011 (9,063,173) and of what type (burglary 24%, larceny 68% and motor vehicle theft 7.9%). It will also give you an estimate of how much property crime cost the US economy that year ($15.6bn).

Why good strategies fail

Strategies for seasonal influenza

Research Methodology

This report draws on two main sources for its research and findings:

In June 2013, The Economist Intelligence Unit surveyed 418 senior business executives from the US, the UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain—one-half of whom are from the board or C-level (CEO, CFO, CIO, etc). Twenty industries are represented in this sample, with just over one-quarter (28%) of companies coming from financial services or manufacturing. Around one-half of these companies have more than 500 employees or more than US$500m in annual revenue.

Global Fraud Report 2013-2014

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