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Financing the UK’s infrastructure: private and public gains




Risk and reward

Africa has enjoyed a decade of high growth, especially south of the Sahara, but this is now placing an increasing strain on the infrastructure stock. While investors, companies and donors have poured financing into roads, railways, information and communications technology (ICT), water and power, there remains a significant financing gap.

Rapid urbanisation, climate change and resource scarcity: a disaster in the making?

New research shows accelerating urbanisation, resource scarcity and climate change are among the main trends influencing the global decision-making agenda. An interview with Dr Rudolf Seiters from the German Red Cross on how these mega trends exacerbate the risk of humanitarian emergencies.

The future of broadband in South-East Asia

A new report published today by The Economist Intelligence Unit finds that progress in providing faster broadband access varies significantly across South-East Asia, despite the economic opportunities being well acknowledged.

Investing in African infrastructure

Significant investment in infrastructure is required to unleash Africa's economic potential. New funding for infrastructure development is becoming available, but success also hinges on how effectively money is spent, argues Sebastien Marlier, Africa analyst at The Economist Intelligence Unit.

The century of automation

There are evident parallels between the early days of the automobile and current state of industrial automation

At the turn of the 20th century, cars were predominantly driven by the super-rich with little regard for safety. As a result, they were far from popular . It took another thirty years and Henry Ford’s affordable automobiles for the public to come around to the idea.

Working among the robots

The impact of agile automation on employment in manufacturing will be complex, and businesses and government will face some tough decisions.

“In the third manufacturing revolution we will have robotics, automation, 3-D printing [and] nanotechnologies. But only skilled jobs will be created.”

That was the prognosis made two years ago by New York University economist Nouriel Roubini, nicknamed “Dr Doom” for his pessimistic (but often accurate) forecasts.

Robot infographic

Meet the robots

If a new generation of robot makers is to be believed, factory robotics is about to become much more sophisticated and much simpler to use.  

Robots, it seems, are gradually creeping into every corner of life. And while robotic systems have long been used in manufacturing, especially in the automotive industry, a new breed of robot is now vying for space on the factory floor.

Agile automation

Robots are increasingly conspicuous members of the global workforce. Developments in artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction and mechanical engineering mean that robots are becoming sophisticated enough to perform a growing range of tasks. 

The manufacturing industry has used robots for years. Car makers, for example, are the largest consumer of robotics in the world. So the growing sophistication of robotics promises to have a transformational impact on the manufacturing sector. 

Improving livelihoods in China: The challenges

How can China sustain economic growth and generate more resources to improve livelihoods?

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