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Financing the UK’s infrastructure: private and public gains




Moving out of the forbidden zone

There is more than propulsion technology in the drive towards cleaner road transport, argues José Viegas, Secretary-General of the International Transport Forum at the OECD.

Much work to be done improving Indonesia’s infrastructure

In 2011, the Indonesian government unveiled a framework document for developing the country in six corridors that stretch right across the archipelago, with infrastructure development emphasised as the foundation for the successful implementation of most of the other key identified growth target areas, including mining, agriculture and tourism.

The impact of ageing infrastructure in process manufacturing industries

Report Summary

Process manufacturing companies in the oil and gas, utilities, chemicals and natural resource industries rely on proprietary infrastructure to run their operations. Much of this infrastructure is rapidly ageing, thus increasing the risk of failure. Subsequent disruptions hamstring operations and impede opportunities for growth, with the impact of these interruptions felt worldwide. As a result, executives in these industries must make tough decisions about where, when and how much to invest in infrastructure upgrades.

Visionaries Unbound Website

For more information on the Visionaries Unbound event series, please go to 


Transforming cities: Visions of a better future

Report Summary

What will best prepare cities for this massive growth? How will residents cope? Mayors, architects, bankers, slum activists and entrepreneurs explored these and other burning questions at a recent Rockefeller Foundation-backed meeting. Learn what they had to say in our “Transforming Cities: Visions of a better future” report. 

In the pits?

Report Summary

The report assesses the state of the metals and mining industry as it adapts to the post-boom era, answering four questions: How has the industry’s change in fortunes in recent years affected investment by mining companies and what implications does this have for their future growth? What impact has the slowdown had on M&A, corporate dealmaking and industry consolidation? And finally, what strategic and operational issues do new management teams need to get to grips with to ensure their companies emerge as winners in the new environment?

WILL (and should) mayors rule the world?

Leading up to The Economist Events' Infrastructure Summit - Future Cities 2013, Ludwig Siegele (chair), offers his views on the themes that will be dominant at the summit.

Making the built environment a trump card for the world’s economies

In 2010, the residential and non-residential building sectors accounted for 8% of the global GDP (USD 4.9 trillion). China was by far the largest market for new buildings because of the increased migration from rural to urban areas.

Achieving scale in energy-efficient buildings in China

Report Summary

Achieving scale in the US

Energy efficiency is not only smart, it’s good business: the retrofit sector alone could provide $1tr in energy savings in the US over the next decade. Our October 2012 briefing paper Energy efficiency and energy savings—a view from the building sector, produced by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) and commissioned by the Global Buildings Performance Network (GBPN), revealed that 40% of survey respondents from the US buildings sector accept no business responsibility for carbon emissions.

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