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Financing the UK’s infrastructure: private and public gains




What would you do?

We asked respondents to our survey to outline one specific scheme they would implement to improve quality of life in their city, if they were in charge. Of the many hundreds of responses, at least two-thirds named a transport-related initiative, but almost every aspect of city liveability was considered. Here is a selection.

Emerging market cities: Social ventures fill the gap

In developing cities, cash-strapped governments are often unable to create even the most basic infrastructure—such as sanitation, housing and clean water—required by their citizens. In response, a new generation of social entrepreneurs is stepping in to meet these needs.

London's new vernacular

With the aim of inspiring better housing design and more liveable neighbourhoods, London Development Agency (LDA) has published a London Housing Design Guide. The standards will apply to any new developments on LDA land or for those applying for funding from London Homes and Communities Agency. The idea behind this is to introduce minimum standards for things such as floor space, private outdoor space, availability of natural light and ceiling heights, creating what the agency calls a "new vernacular" for London.

Istanbul's planning tug-of-war

In Istanbul, population growth, road traffic, congestion and pollution are at worst contributing to the rapid decline of the city's liveability, and at best putting at serious risk the city's ambition to be a cultural, economic and logistical hub of Eurasia.

Bogotá bucks the trend

Traffic in developed world cities has usually developed gradually over time, which has given policymakers more time and resources to creatively solve problems. Traffic problems in many developing cities are a more recent phenomenon, brought on by expanding economies and a rapidly-growing middle class. Solving them presents more of a headache.

Perspectives on cities

Below are some of the key messages for urban policymakers, based on analysis of our global survey of professionals.

Valuing nature’s water infrastructure

Our economic growth agendas of today risk playing dice with poverty reduction and prosperity if water risks continue to go unrecognised, argues Mark Smith, director of the IUCN Global Water Programme.

Coastal Governance Index Excel model

The Blue Economy

Coastal Governance Index

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