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Hilton Worldwide: searching for hidden talent

A number of multinational companies are struggling to match needs with people internally, leading to a growing skills gap. In the survey, nearly three quarters (72%) of respondents said that many organisations are inadequate at placing the right individuals in the right jobs.

John Lewis: Made-to-fit training

Nearly two-thirds (65%) of British executives taking part in the survey reported that profit at their organisations could increase by 5% or more with a more efficient and better trained workforce.

SRC--From exit interviews to stay interviews

Keeping employees happy is key when seeking to retain scientists, researchers and engineers in the aerospace and defence fields. SRC, a
research and development firm that serves the defence and intelligence communities, has had some success in the retention field. It made
Fortune magazine’s Top 100 Best Companies to Work For list in 2011, and its 14 regional offices are often in the Top 10 in similar rankings in their respective states.

Rockwell Collins--Rethinking interactions between generations


Rockwell Collins is a major supplier of aviation electronics to defence and civilian markets. But company executives acknowledge that its headquarters in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is not the most glamorous or attractive destination for new graduates. “If you’re single and you say, ‘Wait a minute. I want nightlife and mountains to ski in and a larger city, or I want a coast to go to,’ we’re not offering a lot of that,” admits Ron Kirchenbauer, the firm’s senior vice-president of human resources (HR).

A funding crunch is pushing higher education institutions online and abroad

Economist Intelligence Unit to investigate the future of higher education

Empowering Business

to explore and discover how you can expand your strategic thinking, use industry trends to your advantage, take your management skills to the next level and go further–faster.

Making aid work

As the international community gathers to discuss the post-2015 development agenda and how best to finance the Sustainable Development Goals, it is important we learn from our mistakes and redress the recipient-donor relationship, says Roger Riddell, an associate at international development consultancy, Oxford Policy Management.

How do we prepare the students of today to be tomorrow’s digital leaders?

With rapidly evolving business needs, technological advances and new work structures, the skills that will be needed in the future are shifting. In response to these changes, policymakers, educators and experts around the world are rethinking their education systems.

Driving the skills agenda

As technology becomes more pervasive, traditional trades disappear and the world of work becomes more globalised and collaborative, the skills demanded by employers are shifting. So how can education best prepare young people to navigate their way through an increasingly interconnected and complex world?

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