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The Big Rethink 2014 - Get to know them properly

Video featuring:

  • Matt Atkinson, Chief Marketing Officer, Tesco
  • Simon Etherington, Managing Director, Sitecore UK
  • Ed Pilkington, Marketing and Innovation Director , Diageo Western Europe
  • Andrew Warner, Senior Marketing Director, EMEA, Expedia

The Big Rethink 2014 - It's all about the journey

Björn Timelin, Partner, McKinsey & Company

A new model for education

An interview with Nancy Zimpher, Chancellor of the State University of New York

Online learning: A new landscape

with Marni Baker Stein, University of Texas system

Educating employees about mobile security

An interview with Tim Murphy

The disruption of higher education

An interview with Clayton Christensen of Harvard Business School, sponsored by Academic Partnerships

Re-engaging with engagement-Webcast

How firms can improve employee engagement, a webcast sponsored by Hay Group.

On talent and the bigger picture

Will Hutton, chair of the Work Foundation, takes a step back and gives his view of the ever-changing macro-economic climate, arguing that pre-2008 business models are a thing of the past, and that we are living through times of immense change.

The war for talent

The panellists discuss skill shortages and the war for talent that has been taking place across the sector for some time.

On the future of work and how we'll see it differently

At Talent Management 2013, Human capital consultant Naomi Stanford explores the ways in which the core nature of work could change in the future, and the impact this could have on Human Resource management.

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