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Green Finance: Making the Transition to a Climate-Resilient Future
A Digital Future: Financial Services and the Generation Game




Ready. Or not...

Future factors

Report Summary

Choosing a European fund domicile

The strengthening of financial regulation at European Union level -- including regulation under the EU’s Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) directive and the more recent Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) -- forms the backdrop to intensifying competition among member states to be the domicile of choice for investment funds operating across the bloc and across the globe. This survey looks at that competition from the point of view of asset managers worldwide who domicile investment vehicles under EU laws.

Work to do



Renminbi rising

Report Summary

This Economist Intelligence Unit report, commissioned by State Street, examines the future development and internationalisation of China's currency and the pace, process and likelihood of financial reform in the country. It compares the views of institutional investors headquartered in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Taiwan) with those based elsewhere. The report is based on a survey of 200 senior executives from institutional investors with knowledge of their exposure to renminbi assets.

Visionaries Unbound Website

For more information on the Visionaries Unbound event series, please go to .

Revaluing ecosystems: Visions of a better future

Report Summary

The Great Barrier Reef has lost half its coral in less than 30 years. In under a decade, we’ve lost forests across an area as big as the US east of the Mississippi. With populations growing at an unprecedented rate, what will our natural world look like in 2025? Can these trends be reversed or slowed? Environmentalists, investors, professors and executives at major companies discussed these questions and others at a recent Rockefeller Foundation-backed meeting. Learn what they had to say in our “Revaluing ecosystems: Visions of a better future” report.


Could regulation overshoot its target?

Regulation of the insurance sector is absolutely vital. But it must be fair, well-thought-through and universally applicable. Protection of the consumer is fundamental and regulation geared to do that is important. But while the burden of implementation rests with the insurer, the cost of regulation will ultimately be borne in some part by the consumer. Therefore, consumer benefit is the most important consideration with new regulation.

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