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Green Finance: Making the Transition to a Climate-Resilient Future
A Digital Future: Financial Services and the Generation Game




Closing the communication gap

It will hardly come as a surprise that a survey we publish today shows that institutional investors have become more risk-aware since the global financial crisis. Yet the extent of the shift in mindset is startling: whereas only 30% of investment organisations made risk their highest priority in 2007, today 78% of respondents say their organisation has a very risk-aware culture.

Crunch time for the ECB

Something is very wrong in Europe; unemployment floats near all time highs in the history of the single currency and the euro zone’s economic growth remains meagre at best.

King of the banking world

Earlier this week, the outgoing governor of the Bank of England Mervyn King convened a panel of his high-profile friends to discuss the lessons that economists should learn from the global financial crisis.

The Corporations and Communities Debates

Report Summary

Should giving to charity be part of a company’s social responsibilities? This was the question the Economist Intelligence Unit sought to explore in the first round of its Corporations and Communities Debate series. The motion chosen was: “CSR has nothing to do with charity”. The idea was to provoke discussion on whether or not companies should treat philanthropic contributions as an important part of their social responsibilities—or whether businesses can have a greater social impact by leaving charity to others and doing what they do best: making money.

All tied up?

The insurance industry has not suffered the same reputation-damaging scandals as the banking industry, however, for some consumers, as insurers are financial institutions they have been tarred with the same brush – and need to prove their worth.

Insurers and society

As discussion of the details of the Solvency II regime rolls on, insurers are thinking long and hard about how they will manage and monitor their risk strategies and capital bases. But the implications of their decisions will reach far beyond the boardroom, affecting both their relationships with corporate and individual policyholders, and also their role as major investors in the debt and equity capital markets.

Chris Clark on what the customer needs

The future of banking in the palm of your hand

I wish I had a pound for every time I heard “mobile” at the recent Economist European Retail Banking Summit. After watching how mobile payments system M-Pesa transformed banking in Kenya, developed-world retail bankers have had their eyes opened and now see mobile banking as the next game-changer in their industry.

The search for growth 2012

Report Summary

The global economy is at a crossroads. On both sides of the Atlantic, governments have delayed bold fiscal reform in favour of half-solutions. What governments and policymakers do or fail to do over the next few months will have profound consequences on capital markets around the world—and on investment portfolios.

Time for the banks to clean up their acts

Since the start of the financial crisis, banking and the behaviour of bankers hasn't been far from the headlines. From bailed-out banks, to the Libor rate-rigging scandal to widespread mis-selling, consumers have been continually let down by the banks. So it’s no surprise that the banks have lost the trust of their customers and the confidence of the public.

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